Chapter 2

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Caroline's POV 

There were two days I looked forward to the most- my birthday (because duh, who doesn't love their birthday?) and Christmas. Christmas was just a time when everyone was full of laughter and happiness. It seemed like no one was sad. Christmas brought a time of love and hope. I wish Christmas lasted all year. 

I sat outside on a huge boulder, sliding my snow boots against the fresh, powdery snow. The cool wind brushed across my face, causing my blonde wig to flow all around me. A small squirrel came running up to me and stopped, tilting his head as he looked at my eyes. 

"Why are you out here alone?" His eyes asked.

"Because I don't have any friends out here." My eyes answered.

"Do you want friends?" He asked.

I pictured myself sitting amoungst some friends, laughing as we make snowballs and have snowball fights. 

"Yeah, I would."  I answered. 

Suddenly my mom called me inside. My eyes said goodbye to my little squirrel friend and his said goodbye as well. 

I sat crossed legged around the Christmas tree, singing Jingle Bells with my mom. She handed me a cup of hot cocoa and three presents. 

"Thanks mom," I said, smiling. 

I got a ukulele which is something I had wanted for awhile. I got a box full of makeup which is also something I had wanted for awhile, and a new home for my frog. It was all perfect. I was beaming, until my mom whipped out an envelope. 

"What's this?" I asked. 

"You'll have to open it to see." She winked. 

I opened the envelope and inside was a blank piece of paper. 

"Oh yay, paper!" I said sarcastically. 

"Turn it over." My mom ordered. 

I flipped it over. It was... a class schedule? My head ached as I looked at all the different classes in different homerooms with different teachers. Why did my mom give me a class schedule for Christmas? 

"Surprise! I enrolled you for a public high school!" My mom squealed and did a mom-dance move. 

"You... you did what?!" I yelled. 

"Honey, it's time you go outside and meet new people. This is the perfect chance for you to actually make friends." 

"I'm perfectly fine without people," I lied, "I'm not ready for a public school! There's so many mean people! They're all gonna make fun of me I just know it." 

"Caroline, I just don't want you to be alone." 

"Well I'm absolutely fine here." 

"Caroline if you don't make new friends you're going to die alone." My mom screamed. 

I blinked back the tears that were forming in my eyes. 

"I didn't mean to hurt you," she closed her eyes, "I just..." 

"That's right," I cried, "You have no faith in me. You think that cancer is going to kill me and that I'm not going to even try to fight it." 

"No that's not-" 

I got up and ran to my room, slamming the door. I threw myself on my bed and cried into my pillows. I'd never be like the other girls. 

My door opened. My mom sat by me on my bed. 

"Oh dear," she said, "Another nose bleed." 

I wiped my nose, "Just leave me alone." 

"Caroline I know it's hard," She started calmly, "But I know that you can do this. I know that you can go to school and everyone will love you and want to be your friend. I have faith in you. Please, do this for your dad? He would want you to do this." 

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