Chapter 16

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Caroline's POV

The school year was about to end. It was so crazy to think about how fast this academic year has flown by. What was even more crazy was how I went from living isolated on top of a mountain to knowing so many people and falling in love in such short of a time. I had made so many memories with these people, and I was satisfied. 

Sadly, my stomach pain wasn't getting any better. Each day it would just progessively worsen. I had my mom book an appointment to see the doctor, but she was all booked. 

The stomach pain did worry me, but I tried to push it aside as best as I could. 

Prom was coming up quickly, and fearing that it would be my last ever prom I could ever attend, I agreed with Amanda that I would go with her. Amanda would have been going alone and Jake wasn't much for dancing anyway, so it seemed to work out perfectly. 

We did TONS of shopping. I blew all of the money I had earned from babysitting Polly, but it was worth it. It was so exciting getting to blow all of my money with my best friend. 

My dress was a dark green color, it had a fitted top and a flowy princess skirt that went down to my heels. I got some gold jewelry to match with it, and added some gold heels I borrowed from my mom. 

Unfortunantely, last minute, Amanda got a promposal from Conner. Slightly bummed, I told her to accept it. 

"We can still hang out together while we're there!" She promised. 

I decided that that was good enough and I could hang around the punch bowl on my phone so I didn't look like a lonely weirdo. 


The day of prom came, and I got all dressed up in my new apparel. I even curled my hair and did a fancy braid which I pinned to the side of my head. 

"Bye mom!" I shouted as I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. 

That's when my stomach pain returned, I doubled over in pain and screamed for her to help get me inside. I didn't move until she came running over, having Jerry carry me to the couch. 

She looked over at me and frowned, "Caroline I think you'll have to stay home." 

"That's okay, I would have been alone anyway." I replied. 

I quickly texted Amanda that I couldn't make it and when she replied with a frown emoji, tossed over and turned on a Netflix cooking show. 

I had watched about 4 episodes when there was a knock at the door, which sent my mom hurrying over to open it. When she opened it, I heard Jake's voice. 

"Jake!" I called over, trying to get up. 

"Hey Caroline," He said while rushing over, trying to get me to sit down again. 

"I heard that you couldn't go to prom, so I brought it to you," He beamed. 

"You did?" 

He nodded, sat down next to me on the couch, and extended his hand. 

"My fair Caroline, will you do me the honor of allowing me to have this dance?" 

"I thought you didn't dance." 

"I'd dance with you," He remarked. 

I blushed and took his hand. I slowly rose up from the couch because my pain was gone. He rose up with me and we carefully waltzed around the living room while Gordon Ramsey's voice echoed on the TV screen. We waltzed, slow danced, played leapfrog, danced with Polly, danced with each other again, it was perfect. 

I never had been to an actual prom before, but I could guarantee to myself that the prom that my loving boyfriend brought over to me was better than any prom I could ever imagined. 

A sudden fatigueness washed over me and I was struggling to keep my eyes open. Jake noticed, and led me back over to the couch. 

Out of nowhere, my stomach started acting up again. But this time, it was even worse than before. I fell off the couch gasping at the sudden pain, my heart pounding as I heard distant voices surrounding me. My vision started getting blurry, but I saw 5 blurry figures standing over me.

I felt someone pick me up as I heard distant frantic screams. I was now running with someone, and finally felt the warm leather of someone's car. I wasn't buckled up, but I was clenching so tightly onto my stomach in another fetus position that I didn't care if I toppled over out of the seat. 

I felt someone pick me up again and run with me, the summer sun pounding on my face which caused my head to feel like it was spinning. Everything was still blurry, but I saw another figure come over to me and say something with a female tone. 

I felt the soft bedding that reminded me of something familiar- a hospital bed. I was in the hospital. 

Figures frantically moved around me as I felt a jolting sensation before completely blacking out.


I woke up in the hospital, hearing a heart monitor's beeping noises and feeling the tubes that were stuck up my nose, allowing me to breathe. 

Nurses and doctor's surrounded over a table, giving each other sad yet worried expressions. Jake was sitting by me crying, I could feel his body shaking. My mom was also in the room crying. 

"Doctor, she's alive," A nurse shouted. 

"Oh thank goodness," the doctor replied. 

"What's going on?" I asked as I noticed my stomach pain had gotten way worse. 

My mom cries turned into sobs that could be heard throughout the whole entire hospital. 

"Caroline, remember when we said your cancer had gotten better?" The doctor asked me. 

"Yes, what about that?" 

"You didn't keep up with your chemo treatments and..." 

"Jake," I giggled, "Don't say "I told you so" or I might kick you." 

I looked over at Jake and his face was buried in his hands, concealed. His face was concealed but his body was shaking so I knew exactly what he was doing. 

"Why are you crying?" I asked while reaching over.

The doctor came over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder, "Caroline. It's gotten worse. You have merely days to live." 

"That... That can't be right doctor. Please tell me you're joking." I demanded, trying to push away the tears that were forming in my eyes. 

"I wish I could Caroline," He sighed, "I wish I could." 

My whole world stopped. I didn't know how to react or what the proper way to react would be. How are you supposed to react to being told you won't have a future at all? That you have DAYS left on this world? That your heart might stop any second? 

How would you react? 

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