Chapter 17

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Caroline's POV

It's been one full day since I heard the dreaded news. 24 hours has seemed like merely seconds ago since the doctor told me that I only have days left on this earth. 

It was frightening, I never knew how much I had taken for granted in this world. I never knew how meaningful every leaf on the tree was, or how powerful every newborn baby bird's cry was.

Every day in society, a baby is born. Also every day in society, a person leaves this world. I tried to look on the bright side of all of this; when I leave the world, someone else will be coming in. 

A baby, so innocent and frail. Not knowing the difference between life or death, not knowing whether or not they should be the ones looking for the meaning behind every leaf. 

I hope they take time to stop and smell the flowers. I hope they take the time to skip rocks along the water with their friends, or call a loved one, or say their "hellos" and "goodbyes". 

I was moving into the hospital tomorrow. The doctor's and nurses decided that it would be less traumatizing if I passed away from Polly, and not at home. That way, Jake and my mom could be with me. Also, Jerry said he was super freaked out about hospitals, so he didn't want to visit. But that wasn't a big deal for me. 

I wrapped myself up in another fuzzy blanket, it was getting so cold inside. 

Jake, who was sitting by me watching a show on the TV, turned over and asked "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" 

"The beach." 

"Really? You've never been to a beach before?" 

I shook my head. 

"How come?" He asked. 

"I don't know, never got the chance to. I live on a mountain." 

"There's a beach a couple hours away, want to go together?" 

I nodded my head slowly because it was painful to make any sudden gestures. 

We told my mom where we would be going and she packed us a little road trip bag filled with snacks and sunscreen. Jake wrapped me up in another jacket, picked me up, and carried me to his car. 

"I'll sit in the front seat," I ordered. 


We drove halfway there listening to old music. The other half I was looking out the window, trying to admire as much as I possibly could. The rocky ground, the old homeless lady, the streetsigns, I took it all in. Nothing was remained unadmired. 

We pulled up to the beach and I was greeted to the refreshing unique scent of the saltwater and sand. It was perfectly windy outside, and no one else was on the beach. It was just me and him. Him and me. Together. Forever. 

He opened my door and carried me outside as I clutched a granola bar that my mom packed for our adventure. "Adventure?" You might ask yourself. "Going to the beach isn't an adventure." Well, everything becomes an adventure the closer you are to leaving the world. 

My body truly has been a fighter, it fought for my survival. Now, it was just giving up. I fought a long battle. Every warrior must end at some point. 

He carried me onto the soft sand, and I motioned to get down. Taking small steps, I slid my feet against the sand, feeling the grainy moistness against my toes. I smiled and walked closer to the ocean's water. The water ran over my feet, making my sandy feet clean and new again. 

I walked a little further, and the water was now up to my calves. I felt seaweed, something I've never got the chance to feel before. It felt like long whispy hair that was attaching itself to my legs. Moving a little closer, the water splashed above my thighs. Some water droplets splashed onto my face, allowing me to taste the saltiness that I would not be able to taste again. 

Jake walked behind me, and we stood in silence. The sun was going down over the waves and the palm trees surrounding the scenery seemed to appear black as the air silently rustled against their leaves. I walked a little further, now allowing the water to come up to my stomach. The coolness of the water pressed against my shirt, causing me to shiver. 

Jake ran up to me but was pushed down by the water's waves. 

I laughed as he emerged from the water with seaweed on his head. 

"You aren't standing perfectly still," I remarked. 

"Why do I need to stand perfectly still?" 

"Because then the water knows that you aren't a threat." I replied. 

Duh, Jake. 

We stood perfectly still together while the water splashed up to our faces. We did not fall over once. 

Something pokey jabbed my toe. I looked down and a huge pink shell was right next to my foot. Jake bent down and grabbed it, handing it to me. 

"If you tell a wish to the shell, it'll come true." He whispered. 

I bent down and whispered so Jake couldn't hear my wish. When I was finished I threw it into the water. 

"What did you wish for?" He asked. 

"I can't say, it won't come true that way." 

"Can you give me a hint at least?" He practically begged. 

"No, you'll know what I wished for later." 

He shrugged and faced the sun again. We stood silently. 

"What's one word you're holding onto until you take your final breath?" I whisper asked him. 

"I don't know." 

"Come on, I'm sure you do know." 

"Caroline," he answered. 

I reached over to grab his arm softly. 

"What about you?" He asked me. 

"Love," I replied. 


"Yes, love. The very thing we take for granted every day in our lives. Think about it. When our moms kiss us goodbye, sometimes we don't percieve that as love. Sometimes we get annoyed or grossed out so we wipe it away. But we shouldn't ever wipe love away."

He bent down to kiss my cheek, "Don't wipe it away." 

"I'll keep it with me until the day my heart stops beating, Jake." 

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