𝗀𝖺𝗋𝖽𝖾𝗇 [𝗐]

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I walked around the garden, touching the dead flowers as I passed by them

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I walked around the garden, touching the dead flowers as I passed by them. There was a small breeze as I walked, accompanying me in the dead calm of the night. My shoes made a stomping noise as I walked through the place I had found long ago, in a moment of sadness which I try my best to leave behind. There is silence all around me, wrapping me in a little bubble and numbing out all emotions.

Reaching the bench in the middle of the expansion, I sit down, feeling as it damps the pants I was wearing slightly. Shivering, I wrap my arms around and tilt my head up, staring up at the clusters of stars and the brilliant moon which is slowly leaving the night sky. I felt myself starting to drift off while looking at the moonlight reflected on the tile floors decorating the centre of the garden.

But before I let myself slip into dreamland, I slapped my cheek and forced my eyes to open and face the sky once again. With a sigh, I stood up and walked into another section of the garden. My hands still tried grasping the dead vines, making sure it wasn't dangerous to do so.

Memories flooded back into my head at times, the thought of him making my eyes well up with tears. He was the light of my life, the escape to my problems, the symphony to my song. Everything, and now it seemed like it was over. It seemed like there was no light, there was no escape for me, and I was simply a broken beat.

After pacing back and forth on the same path in silence, I turned back in hopes of walking back into the bench and get some sleep. Before even leaving the trail full of dead vines, I felt something grab my arm and harshly pull me back. I stumbled upon a chest and a smell that seemed all too familiar and homely. San.

I tried to pull back, the familiarity of the embrace bringing back the tears in my eyes that had been there hours ago. After some struggling, my body slumped against his and my arms found themselves wrapping around his torso. The unshed tears in my eyes rolled down my porcelain cheeks, tinting them with a light pink color.

After what seemed like hours, he loosened his iron grip and let me go. I tensed, feeling the coldness return to my body, making me helplessly shake. He went behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing me some warmth to my cold body. We slowly walked like that, uncomfortably yet so naturally. He walked me into the forest and back to the trail which was illuminated with the sunlight pooling in the sky.

Our cars were parked in the street, his behind mine. He knew about this place, I had told him a few weeks ago on our anniversary. The day he proposed to me. I looked down on my finger for the first time since the night before, the sparkling ring was placed on my hand neatly.

But seeing as it shone with the sun's help reminds me why I ran to this place in the birth of night. It reminds me of the overwhelming emotions that overpowered the love and affection I felt for the man hugging me. My face showed my many emotions, they all flashed on my face in seconds. A frown turned to smile, which turned to a sad face, which then went back to a smile.

He came here, the whole drive to find me. Even though we were supposed to be angry, and we yelled. It wasn't his fault. Nor was it mine.

It was a stupid fight, the screaming and insults unnecessarily painful. San is known to have a good amount of body language when he speaks, he was just trying to express his anger when the memories came flashing back to me. All the hits, kicks, slaps, and punches came back to me. The hurtful words filled with a venom called hatred. It invaded my memories, without permission, and bringing a realization snapping me into reality.

Being abused had its consequences in more ways than one. Long-term and short-term. When I flinched, it wasn't because I was afraid of my fiance. No, never. I know he could never hurt me, I was more than sure about that. But his sudden movements instantly transported me to a place filled with darkness and a broken-hearted old me.

That's how we got to this place and this position. We didn't want to be like this, it was simply the demons of the past coming back to haunt us. I could feel his stare on me once again, but I only looked ahead. When he turned me around and tapped the bottom of my thighs, I understood what he wanted.

"Come on, baby. I'll carry you the rest of the way." He whispered as if there was someone that could hear us. As if he was telling me the most important secret to ever exist. I nodded, feeling a smile graze the surface of my face. He slowly guided our bodies so that they faced each other, tapping my thighs twice, signalling me to jump. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and hid there, as my legs tangled themselves around his waist.

Without me noticing, we arrived at his car. Putting me down, he opened the door and sat me down, putting the seatbelt around me securely. He shut the door and walked around, not entering the car but leaning on it while pulling his phone out. I heard his voice on the phone, and suddenly he was right beside me in the car, pulling me so that our lips met in a slow and loving kiss.

"I'm sorry, so fucking sorry. But please don't do this again, we're engaged, Wooyoung, let's help each other. I love you, so so so so so much, okay?" He muttered against my lips once we pulled away, his voice wavering slightly. I felt my eyes start to get cloudy once again. "I love you too, and I know you would never be like her."

We hugged for some more and parted when we noticed it was time to leave. The sun was shining in all its glory, now, shedding its unique light to the world around us. And suddenly, the calmness that being in the presence of each other came back.

(a/n: let me fucking honest, this was gonna be super depressing which is why it doesn't make a lot of sense, but i didn't feel like being so mean to you guys in the beginning so i'll hold off my angst until we're further into the chapters. hope you enjoyed this ball of shit :D)

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