𝗂'𝗆 𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒 [𝗇]

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Music was blaring, filling everyone's ear and making their bodies move along to the beat

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Music was blaring, filling everyone's ear and making their bodies move along to the beat. The house was filled with the penetrating smell of smoke that would remain for weeks to come. Glasses of beer were littering the floor and staining the expensive carpet under their feet- nobody cared. It was hell for the introverted, the ones who were dragged to the party in an attempt to make them have fun. How could anyone have fun in such a place?

Jung Wooyoung was one of the unlucky ones. Dragged from the comfort of his house, dressed to impress, and brought to a house filled with drugs and hormones. But, don't let yourself be fooled, he was one of the most popular guys in the school. Not that he cared, of course, he would have much rathered to be wrapped in a blanket and watching his favorite show, not crowded by the numerous girls who never understood he liked dick, and dick alone. A pout was settled on his face as Seonghwa, his dorm mate and friend, grabbed a beer and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend, Hongjoong, who was smiled and leaned into the touch.

He was annoyed beyond human understanding. Girls were all around him- wearing little to no clothes and smiling of overly sweet perfume, grabbing him all over and attempting to drag him upstairs and into an empty room. Ripping all the hands with manicured nails away from his arms and thighs, he got up and walked away from the kitchen counter, up the stairs.

With some girls still following behind him, he felt a strong hand wrap itself around his wrist and pull him into a room. The softness of it scared him, thinking it was yet another female who didn't want to respect his boundaries. But to his surprise, he was met with a guy- a very hot smirking guy. He had raven hair which was messily falling over his eyes, only showing glimpses of the dark orbs that Wooyoung so desperately wanted to see. And his smirk was so familiar, so comforting in a time like that. Standing in front of him was his ex-boyfriend, Choi San. In any other situation, however, he would have scowled and glared to show his displease. Holding in a sigh of relief, he tugged his arm away from the gentle yet strong grip.

He stared as hurt flashed in the other man's eyes, but was soon covered by an obnoxious smirk- Wooyoung knew it all too well. The facade would never fool him, and he wanted to wrap his arms around the man and never let go, but it wasn't his place, not anymore. Every time their eyes met was a flashback which would stab him in the heart, how they gave each other their firsts and hoped it would be their lasts- but fate played the wrong cards. Misunderstandings and mistakes, all of it brought an end to their beautiful fairytale. Because they were too stubborn because they didn't know better.

"Why would you do that?" The younger started, his tone was snappy but he couldn't be more grateful. He knew that without San's help, he wouldn't have been able to get rid of them and something bad would have probably happened- like him jumping off the balcony, probably. [a/n: the fuck is wrong with me.] But in his mind, being annoying was all that made sense. It was the way to cover up his pain.

"We both know you would have been in trouble otherwise. You're welcome, petal."

He couldn't help it when tears started gathering and raced down his crimson cheeks, he couldn't help the little sob that escaped past his lips, he couldn't help the way his knees buckled and he almost fell. It brought it all back- the wound was still open, it had only been a week since they left each other after one year of being together. Wooyoung was still broken-hearted, he felt lost and confused. He wanted the comfort only San could bring him, but he was to remain strong, he was to hide his pain. He could see his ex-boyfriend's such face, he could see the pain being so evident in his eyes, the way his arms shook and his lip wobbled like the time when they broke up. They couldn't help but catch each other in the embrace they so desperately needed, their story still had hundreds of pages to be written. It couldn't end so quickly.

They sat on the floor, the carpet preventing them to bruise on the hard wooden floor underneath it, crying and holding each other even tighter. It seemed they would never let go, who would have wanted to? All the time, being so in love and finally becoming lovers- it wouldn't end, they wouldn't let it. The music was still blaring, the scent of the smoke was still strong, and the screaming from downstairs was still prominent. But they blurred it out, at the moment, it was just them. Just their love, and an unspoken promise that they would learn together.

"I'm sorry," San spoke, he said it over a hundred times as he muffled his own voice by burying his face in Wooyoung's hair and smelled his comforting scent. He was stopped as soon as the younger squeezed him tighter as a silent reassurance, his tears hadn't completely stopped. But this was the best that could have happened, to meet each other in such a sudden time and make amends to rekindle their love. To make sure it blooms with proper care and time now. To make sure it didn't go through this suffering again, and that their hearts would never split again.

"I am too."


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