𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 [𝗇]

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The sound of the wind calmed him, the leaves rustling along, dancing to an unknown melody

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The sound of the wind calmed him, the leaves rustling along, dancing to an unknown melody. Despite the darkness clouding his senses slightly, he was aware of his thumping heart. The loud pace, as if it would jump out of his chest, and go chase after the one he yearned for so badly. Oh, how he wanted to kiss the man's smooth lips and hug him tightly. But he couldn't. He had to watch and see how the love of his life found comfort in someone else. Or, well, that's what he thought.

Not wanting to bathe in any more of his sadness and self-pity, he got ready to walk out of the lonely park, one which he ran to in the heat of an unfortunate moment. A split second in which everything went wrong, he found himself catching his breath in front of the damaged fountain, only the sound droplets of water hitting the material. He caught his breath, leaning on a tree, touching the carving- the remaining memories of a promise that was broken long ago. It was unfamiliar to him, what the promise was, but weeks ago, when he saw a female sobbing and tracing the patterns, he assumed it was long gone- something fragmented and unwanted.

He felt the same, wanting to clutch onto the memory of his love. How it was blooming, so carelessly, so beautifully. Without notice, his heart started beating for him, for someone who didn't feel the same. San was convinced, truly sure that Wooyoung felt something for him. He shouldn't have assumed, maybe the lingering touches and warm smiles were for someone else. He was never special, just a man with a heart of gold, loving someone hopelessly. And as he walked around the solemn park, he heard someone else, hurried footsteps and ragged breaths. He was startled, used to the serene sound of silence and the sound of nature, an abrupt interruption was worthy of the gasp he let out.

Peeking from behind the tree, he was met with the angel whose wings had been cut off. A man who would do everything for those he loves, someone talented and beautiful- inside and out. Someone who San didn't feel he deserved. But he did, it was like a match made in heaven, carefully partnered together before sending them to a cruel world in which they were destined to meet. Soulmates, one would call them, they called each other. Kisses, hugs, comforting words, thoughtful words of advice, a perfect fit- puzzle pieces which were perfectly adequate for the other.

He stared, silky black hair covering his chocolate eyes, plump lips parted slightly as uneven breaths raced in and out. Eyebrows furrowed, a flawless makeup-free face. His clothing was casual, grey sweatpants and a white shirt with some designs he had made himself, he had pulled on his practice shoes before running. Wooyoung was stunning, he was truly someone that left San astonished every time- despite being gorgeous as well. It was the art of love, a feeling that leaves you breathless in the best ways ever, makes you focus on that person alone, no sounds and nothing else is focused but them. And that was happening, everything else was forgotten as soon as the dancer came into view. Out of breath and utterly confused, and yet so beautiful.

Shaking himself out of the daydream, he asked, "What are you doing here?" It was nothing more than a whisper, his voice stable despite the many emotions and thoughts surging through him. The intruder snapped his head up, looking around to spot the owner of the familiar voice.

"I was looking for you, how could you run out like that? You could have been in danger, our comeback was only yesterday," Wooyoung started, trying his best to hind his concern and play the role of being angry and scolding his best friend. "Hongjoong is worried about you, come back home."

San stared at him, taking in his rosy cheeks and unorganized nature. He knew he was putting up a facade, San knew him better than he knew himself. A smile tried showing on his face, but his aching heart didn't let the happiness linger, "I'll call him, you can go back," Going back to facing the fountain, he heard a scoff and footsteps nearing him. Soon, he felt someone grab his wrist and pull him- well, attempted to.

"Stop being stubborn, come back with me," he whispered, letting his worriedness show and loosened the grip on the other's hand, letting it drop down so their palms could meet and instinctively intertwine. "Why did you leave like that?"

"I was thinking," San merely said, looking down at their hands and showing a saddened smile. He wished that this gesture could be something more than just friendliness, that Wooyoung considered it as more. The other hummed, urging San to continue speaking, but he couldn't. He was getting lost in the warmth of the other's hands, losing himself in the fantasies of pure happiness when he thought about the beautiful man.

Tugging at their intertwined hands, Wooyoung tried to understand why his best friend was suddenly so awestruck at such a common gesture, something they always did. Had he missed something? He was always the one getting embarrassed by simple gestures, he was dying inside. San snapped out his trance and looked up at his favorite person's eyes, feeling the urge to break the eye contact so he didn't fall deeper, he couldn't fall deeper.

San looked down, he stared at his dirty shoes and then at the ones next to him. He could feel the gaze of his younger member on him, though it didn't make him nervous. After all, he was the dominant one who always made Wooyoung blush. All he was afraid of was the deepening feelings inside of him, the way his heart kept opening up for someone who didn't return it- strange, as anyone with eyes could see how much they liked each other, no, loved.

Though both were blind, completely oblivious to each other's feelings. And so, they would run off to another member and ask for advice to something that was already solved. Making the other jealous, by always sticking to Mingi or Seonghwa when not wanting to feel the pain of being rejected though it would never happen. Being too absorbed in the fear of a future which wouldn't come true.

So they continued, lingering touches and shy smiles and satisfied smirks. The provoking, Wooyoung wearing clothes that didn't leave much to the imagination only to their safe space and San licking his lips out of pure desire. But even after that, the soft feel of love and hints of euphoria would remain. The cuddles and hot chocolate meetings at ungodly times of the night while gazing at the stars. Waking up in each other's arms and feeling comfort and warmth.

And maybe, under all the layers of self-doubt and insecurities, they knew there was hope. Just maybe, the scent of lavender or sea breeze would get to so much that they would explode in ecstasy and become each other's. It wouldn't be easy, but when was it ever? Pain, sadness, anger, melancholy, disappointment, and any negative feelings would tempt them to give up, try and convince them to take the easy path and end it all. Yet, they would be strong, because it was them, and they hope.

A/N: i had writer's block and it was so bad jsdhf, i hope you enjoyed because i sure did. the sudden change in writing is inentional, the slowly pulling you into a cliffhanger and keeping you there but with a feeling that everything will be okay, or i hope i did that right. this wasn't much, and i hope to be able to keep getting ideas again. thanks for reading :)

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