𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 [𝗇]

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The first time he gazed into his eyes, he managed to find the answers to questions he didn't know he had

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The first time he gazed into his eyes, he managed to find the answers to questions he didn't know he had. It was like a wonderland he didn't want to leave, a spell he didn't want to bother breaking. He was perfectly fine being so deeply in love with the other since he knew the feeling was more than mutual. Butterflies in the stomach and erratic heartbeats, such beautiful love. Dreams filled with cotton candy filled skies with were painted with pastel colors.

It was meant to be, is what everyone said. When they met at the daycare, and never let go of each other after that. To others, it was supposedly nothing more than a friendship, but soon enough, enamoured smiles made their way into the picture in their teenage years. When the soft forehead kisses and warm hugs would extend further than necessary. Holding hands under the lunch tables and sending glares to those who got too close. How glints of lust would make the way into their eyes when the other was too tempting. Everything developed beautifully at its own pace, as they shaped into the people who they were today.

They grew up together, almost set up to fall in love with each other and nobody else. It was all too perfect, even the problems they faced were a reminder of how lucky they both were. Fighting, but always making their way after each other to talk it out.

Even when they were children, all they spoke about was each other. Coming back from school every day, and rant about how it felt like bugs crawling inside his tummy when the older held his hand, or when someone got to close to his Wooyoung and it made his stomach feel uneasy. Of course, these are the words of children who were too innocent to understand what they were feeling, and their parents would let them realize it themselves. They laughed along, remembering the times when they were as young and didn't know better. How fortunate, mothers and fathers all being friends and sharing the stories their kids would blabber about.

It wasn't a problem that they never brought up girls, it was always the other. Their parents would coo as they heard a very young San hold Wooyoung's hand tightly in the park and wrap his arms around him when a little girl would try to give him a flower or just take him somewhere else- and it continued to be that way. Wooyoung, on the other hand, would cutely pout or cry when he felt that San was too far or not paying enough attention which never happened. They were far too scared to let go, they were soulmates, after all.

Always the same routine of being together, yet it was their favorite thing. They always made sure the other knew how important they were in their hearts and lives, without fail. If one of them was sick, the other wouldn't go to school but rather help them get better. When work was troubling, the other would help as much as they could with something else to destress.

Always together, to the point where they shared an apartment. To the point where they would sleep only on the same bed. To the point where they shared their first kiss while watching a sad movie, a peck to calm Wooyoung's sobbing, which turned into a passionate kiss filled with only love. And then they become boyfriends, then fiances, then husbands. Finally, parents and grandparents. To then rest together, forever.

A/N: want me to be honest? i have NO idea what i just wrote. at first it was going so well and then i don't know why it suddenly went downhill...i like it but at the same time i don't. also, this is super cliche and doesn't sound very creative but this could make a good book with the correct pacing and a touch of me in it. what do you think? i might go for it sjdh. this is short but whatever, having big writer's block right now :/

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