✿Oikawa x Reader - A Bad Day

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[A Bad Day]
┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊
You're currently in your last year of high school. For the past 2 years, you've basked in the glory of being Oikawa Tooru's girl friend. Despite his flirtatious personality, he's alway by your side even when the going gets tough. Like today.

Today you lost your part-time job. You got pick pocketed and have no way of riding the train back home as well as having no money to stay somewhere. And to top it all off? It's raining and you don't have an umbrella. To say this is the worst day ever... would be an understatement. Of course, you've had your bad days before, but this just feels like a set of waves pushing you under over and over again.

You sigh and slowly rub your temples, trying to figure out what to do. Luckily, you still have your phone. Pulling it out of your bag, you dial the only person who's probably willing to come help you. Oikawa.

The phone rings for a couple of times before he picks up, "hello?"

"Help." You sigh, sounding probably more dramatic then the situation actually is.

You hear him chuckle from the other side of the phone, "what happened now?"

You begin explaining the whole story to him all the way up from your job to your wallet, while he just quietly listens and adds in a few 'that's not good's' here or there.

"Where are you right now?" He asks, his tone a little more serious than when you were explaining your sob story.

"I'm by the station near X high school."

"I'll be there soon." He finishes and hangs up the phone.

In the mean time, you drift towards a park bench and wait, feeling yourself growing colder and colder by the minute thanks to the rain. Shivers run through your entire body, as you watch the sky getting darker and darker, the streets clearing as people head home to their loving families.

You? You live in an apartment alone while your parents work abroad in Germany, sending you checks every now and then to help you get through the months. It gets lonely, and you often have to rely on your friends for help or Oikawa. In a lot of ways, you've been pushed to grow up too fast.

"I hate my life..." you mumble, pulling your knees into your chest, a ball in your throat forming as you hold back tears. I'm not crying... it's the rain. You tell yourself, denying that you're actually hurting a lot inside, so much that sometimes you don't want to live anymore.

"(Y/N)." Whipping your head around, you see your loving boyfriend standing there with a umbrella at hand, and a worried look on his face.

Your heart nearly explodes of relief when you see him, and everything that clouded you mind was instantly replaced by him. You quickly get up from your balled position, and run to him, feeling more tears fall as you grasp onto him, and he does the same.

"Tooru-kun! I-I was scared!" You cry into his chest, letting out sobs, as he just holds you in his arms, not daring to let go in fear that you'll break under the pressure of life.

"It's okay, I'm here," he says running his free hand through your hair while the other holds the umbrella.

The two of you get strange and worried looks from random people passing on the street, but neither of you care. You both are too scared to let go of the other not knowing what will happen if you do. Even if your both high schoolers, you still are struggling with the things normal adults go through. You face adult problems, but are treated like children most of the time, which makes everyday a growing struggle. Even so, you can rely on each other for support and strength.

Slowly, you feel him lift your face up to look at him. Your eyes are red and swollen from crying, your nose in the same state.

He smiles down at your small figure, wiping a few stray tears from your face. "(Y/N)-chan, I love you, and I'm not going anywhere, okay?" He says in a soothing voice.

Your heart throbs at his kindness and willingness to be with you. "Thank you," is all you manage to get out.

He places a soft but loving kiss on your lips, and you feel your worries and pain melt into nothing, knowing that he's here by your side.

759 Words
Thank you all for reading, this was kind of cheesy, but regardless, for the few that do read this fanfic, I hope you enjoyed. And I know it was a little shorter than others, I'm just tired and wanna go to be because it's 3:00am, so yeah.

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