✿ (Soulmate AU) Popstar! Kageyama x Reader - Not a Pervert

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[Not a Pervert]
┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊

When I was born into this world, I would have maybe expected to have "my mark" on a normal place. A hand? No. A shoulder? Nope. A face? Not even close. I have a big red hand mark on my boob. That's right, the first place my soulmate will touch me, is my boob.

I'm already almost 20 years old though, and I still haven't found the guy or girl who will be mine. So here I am just chilling until the 'pervert' finds me.

A new semester has started for college students, but I haven't had the money nor time to go to college. Instead, I work a modern coffee joint making barely enough cash to pay for food. It's not the most exciting job, but the customers are pretty cool, and I enjoy hearing them talk about their days from time to time. It makes me think that my life sometimes isn't as bad as I make it out to be.

Until today.

Today, I was on my way home from work as usual. I was chosen to close the shop at 10pm. Yay. While on my way there however, fate decided to deal me a shitty hand, and I ended up missing the last running bus, and my small apartment is over 12 miles away. So, what can I do? Nothing. I've got no money for a hotel, I'm hungry, and I have no phone....another problem related to my shocking lack of cash.

Instead of sitting on a bench and looking depressed, I decide to head around town where people are still enjoying their late Friday night partying. If I had more friends, I'd probably do that more too...

Staring off into space, I am released from my thought when I notice the crowd growing around a particular area. Moving closer, I notice the large amount of people with their phones out, and an annoyed looking guy in the middle.

His eyes are a piercing blue color, and his hair is pitch black. He has a baseball cap on and a mask now lowered below his chin, revealing his stunningly handsome features. Hubba hubba.


"I'm your biggest fan!"

"Kyaa~! He's even hotter in person!"

The annoying calls of fan girls break out all over the crowd. Even the men seem to be intrigued with him. He obviously wants to get out of there, but everyone seems like sharks circling their prey, giving him no escape.

Don't regret this (Y/N)...

I bite my tongue and go push through the crowd to stand by his side, not caring whether he's a celebrity or not.

"Everyone!" I yell, "Back off! You're annoying him so do us all a favor and disperse!"

Everyone stares a me obviously pissed off but also confused. The guy next to me looks like he's in shock that someone was actually trying to help him for once.

"You just want him to yourself!" Someone calls, riling the crowd up even more.

"Yeah! Fuck off!"

Immediately the crowd's calls start up again, and they begin pushing me around, leaving Mr. Famous in an even more awkward situation.

Suddenly, I receive a hard push from behind straight into guess who? The blue eyed beauty. Ramming into him, we both are sent tumbling to the ground, me landing straight on top of him.

Haikyuu x Reader Oneshots and Lemons Where stories live. Discover now