✿Akaashi x Male! Reader - Hold My Hand

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[Hold My Hand]
┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊

Tightly gripping the ball, your eyes stare at the court before you, the opposing players preparing to receive your serve. You currently play for the Fukurodani Volleyball team, and you're in your final year of high school.

Taking a deep breath, you throw the ball up in the air, your hand clashing with it harshly as it smashes onto the other side of the court, the opposing team barely having any time to react. The team runs over to you,  giving you high fives and patting you on the back.

Akaashi, your close friend and year long crush places his hand on your shoulder. "Make this last one count," he says, the score now reading 31 - 30.

A smile appears on your face, "I will."

Someone on the sidelines passes the ball back to you, and you bounce it on the court a couple of times, your face more serious than before. You throw the ball up once again, and leap into the air, hand colliding roughly with the ball as it grazes the net, fall onto the other team's side of the court.

The crowd goes wild and the final whistle blows signaling the game is over, your team winning two sets to none.

The team bounces up and down, going over once again to slap your back and fist bump you.

A smile makes its way onto your face and you pump your fist in the air, almost too happy that you won. This game is what opened your spot to nationals, meaning that your final season had not yet come to a close.

Lining up with your team, you bow and yell a loud, "thank you for the game!" Before heading back to the benches to grab your stuff and let the next team come in to play the game.

Glancing over at Akaashi, you notice he's already looking at you as well. Blushing and looking away, you grab you water bottle and head off the court where the captain and manager were waiting for the rest of the team so they could give their closing words and notes on the game.


Heaving a big sigh, you walk out of the building with the rest of the team, the cold winter air hitting your face. All of you saying your 'goodbyes' and 'see you later's' as you head off in your own directions. Nuzzling into your scarf, you head down the street, not noticing the presence of your fellow setter 3rd year behind you.

"(Y/N)-san," he says, catching your attention and making you whip around in surprise.

"Oh hey Akaashi, good game today," I say, a smile falling on my face.

He says nothing as he nervously fidgets with his hands, adverting his eyes.

Taking note, you step forward placing a hand on is shoulder reassuringly. "Is there something wrong, Akaashi-san?" You ask, a worried look falling on your own features.

He blushes at the feeling of your hand on his shoulder, his eyes looking everywhere except into your own, which is extremely out of character for him to be so flustered and nervous.

"I...uhm..." he struggles to get his words out, and you just wait, keeping my hand on his shoulder.

"(Y/N)-san, before our 3rd year comes to an end...." he pauses, seemingly lost in thought as he contemplates his next words carefully.

"I would like to tell you... that I like you," he says, his cheeks dusted with a bright pink color.

You smile, "I like you too!" You don't quite catch on to the fact that he meant it in a romantic way. You've liked him for a long time, but never actually considered the possibility that he might like you back.

He frowns noticing your lack of a reaction, "in a romantic way...." he finishes, his eyes finally staring into yours as he waits for your second response.

Your eyes widen in surprise and you quickly release your hand from his shoulder, barely being able to comprehend the situation as he makes no movement to say "just kidding," or "that was a joke."

Covering you face with your hand, you try to hide the now evident blush bestowed upon your face. Is he really serious? Is this happening? Am I dreaming? Stupid questions with obvious answers run through your head.

"I..." you can barely contain the smile as it creeps onto your face, "like you too. In a romantic way." You say yet again, repeating his words back to him.

He blushes, obviously not expecting the same response from you either.

You both awkwardly stand there, not knowing what to say, your faces blushing red messes.

Shifting your eyes around, you hold out your hand, "do you... wanna walk home with me?" You ask, your heart racing at a million miles per hour.

He looks at your hand surprised, not moving for a couple seconds as he processes the situation.

Slowly but surely, he grabs your hand, the warmth of his own soft hand in your calloused and rough sending sparks through your entire body.

Maybe my getting my hopes up wasn't such a bad idea after all.

856 Words

Thank you all for reading this chapter! Again, I apologize for my terrible updating schedule, I will try harder to grind out more chapters, and thank you!!! So much!!! For almost 1k reads!?

Y'all are amazing, I hope you have a wonderful morning/day/night! ❤️❤️

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