✿Sakusa x Reader - Touch

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┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊

My eyes shifted down the hall, staring at all the bantering and chatting high schoolers. They all looked so happy, so carefree, but they had every reason to be stressed. I am also one of these carefree high schoolers however. I'm standing with my group of 'friends' chatting about god who knows what.

It's boring really. Everyone is all the same. They all want something, someone, it's all for personal gain. I get tired of it. I want something new, someone new that would spice up the boring everyday life at Itachiyama.

I sigh and wave goodbye to my friends, walking out into the courtyard to sit down at a bench. I groan and put my face in my hands, resting my elbows on my knees. I was so tired. I just wanted to go home and sleep but it was only lunch time.

The crunching of shoes on rocks snaps me out of my thoughts and I glance over to the other bench, noticing a very uncomfortable and stressed looking boy, nervously bouncing his leg up and down. He had pitch black curly hair and dark eyes. A mask was covering his face.

I shift my gaze away and back to him a few times, trying not to make it obvious that I was staring. Why was he outside here anyway? No one even comes to the courtyard during lunch, they all sit in the classrooms and hall.

Standing up, I walk over to him, stopping when I get in front of his bench.

"Hey." I say, a small smile on my face. "You look a bit.... stressed, you okay?" This was a common trend for me. I'd always pick out the lonely looking person or nervous person in a situation and try to talk to them. I had a pretty extroverted personality even if it was fake in front of my 'friends.'

He glances up at me, looking slightly disgusted. His eyebrows furrow together even more than they already were.

"I'm fine." He says monotonously.

It didn't seem like he wanted to talk so I just nod, "well, I'll see you later then." Is all I say. I didn't want to press him anymore if he was uncomfortable.


The next day, it was the same situation. I left my friends and went to the courtyard where the same exact boy was there again at the same bench. He didn't look as stressed today... until I got there.

"Hey." I say again, sparking the same conversation as the day prior. "You wanna come sit with me?" I ask, trying to add a small smile to maybe be more friendly.

He shoots me a glare, "no."

This goes on for days at a time. Everyday at lunch I'd go and try to spark a situation with him, and everyday he would either flat out turn me down or just ignore me all together. I thought it was kind of funny how he was so blatantly cold, but I persisted anyway.

Finally, I take the leap of faith today. I didn't ask, I didn't say a word, I just sat down next to him, ignoring his surprised and slightly terrified looking face. He scoots away a bit to which I scoot closer. He moves to a different bench to which I move with him.

He glares at me, "stop following me."

I smile, "then start talking to me."

He glares even more. "I... don't want to." He seemed really uncomfortable but I didn't care, I was gonna see what the hell was wrong with him even if it killed me.

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