✿Iwaizumi x Reader - Silence

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┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊

You've been the manager of the Aoba Johsai volleyball team for the past 2 years, and now are in your final year of high school. You've always enjoyed your time with the team, but one person has always stood out to you. Iwaizumi Hajime. From the way he carries himself, to the way his arms flex, you love it all, but have never admitted your feelings to him in fear of ruining your friendship that has taken so long to develop.

"Nice toss!" Iwaizumi yells as Oikawa expertly sets the ball to them. They're currently playing a practice match against one of the better college teams in the prefecture, but not after you all travelled around 3 or so hours to get there.

You patiently wait at the sidelines, head in the clouds as you watch Iwaizumi play. He's so...perfect. You think, blushing slightly the longer you stare. Suddenly Kumini comes up to you from behind and slaps you on the back.

"Just confess already," he states his usual bored tone apparent in his voice, "it's making me tired just watching you watch him."

You blush and turn your head away from the charming wing Spiker and instead to Kumini. "I-I don't like him that much..." you mutter, feeling your heart beating faster and faster. Was I that obvious?

He just chuckles, "sure you don't, (Y/N)-san," and then he walks back to his spot on the bench.

Letting out a little huff, you return your eyes to the game, this time trying to avoid looking at Iwaizumi as much as possible. I don't want to make it any more obvious than it apparently already is. This time, you stare at Oikawa, and that onion head instead.

When the whistles blows for the final time, signaling that your team took the final set, you feel slightly relieved and ready to go home.

Handing out drinks and towels to the boys, you congratulate them on their win, until finally facing your favorite wing spiker. "G-Good game, Iwaizumi-kun," you mumble, your voice barely seeming above a whisper.

He gently takes the water bottle from your hand, his fingers brushing against yours causing your heart to practically explode, "thanks," he says simply, a tiny blush on his cheeks.

After all the guys finish their drinks, they all throw on their jackets and head out to the bus, all of them tired from playing against the college team. You stay behind for a bit trying to help the coaches pack up the supplies, as well as grabbing water bottles that some guys on the team seemed to forget. Wiping the sweat from your forehead, you and the coaches go to thank the college for having you once again, then you head out to the bus where the rest of the boys are.

When you arrive to the bus, you immediately notice a seating change. Instead of Kumini alone on the extra seat in the back, it's Iwaizumi. Kumini is now seated next to an already passed out Oikawa, looking ever so 'prince' like with drool dripping from his mouth.

You notice a smirk on Kumini's face when he sees you, and you shoot him a glare saying 'I'll get you back for this.' He just ignores it and rolls his eyes.

Quickly, you shuffle to the back of the bus, and you take the final open seat next to Iwaizumi. He looks bored, and just stares out the window, not even barely muttering a 'hello.'

Even after the bus takes off, everyone is silent. All too tired to do anything other than sleep or stare out the window.

Sighing, you break the awkward silence with Iwaizumi, "they were a pretty tough team, huh?" You say only loud enough for the two of you to hear.

He turns his head to you and curtly nods, "yeah, I'm surprised we won the last set."

"You did really good though, especially in the end, your spikes were all like 'boom' and 'zhwaah,' you were really cool when you blocked those giant guys from the other team!" You say getting a little too excited, as a smile formed on your face.

He just looks away, an apparent blush forming on his stern features, "y-you think so?" He asks.

"Yeah..." You say, a blush creeping it's way onto your face as well, "I've always thought you were cool Iwa-kun! No matter what, you're always trying to get better, even if the rest of the team comes to a dead stop, you still keep trying to move forward. I've always admired that about you. Plus... you're always really supportive of the rest of the team, and you push them to get better too... you're truly... amazing, Iwa-kun." You finish, and by the end of your little speech, Iwaizumi is red as an apple.

He stutters, and tries to get some words out, but becomes a nervous mess.

"I-I...you...you've admired me?" He manages to get out.

You immediately realize you said that, and become just as much of a mess as him, "we-well I... I mean... uhm... yeah?"

He smiles, his face still cherry red. "Y'know (Y/N), you're really cute." He says, chuckling quietly.


He just shakes his head and looks out the window, leaving you a blushing confused mess. He thinks I'm cute!? But why, Iwaizumi-kun is never that nice and...why was he blushing as well!? Ughhh. You're brain is running laps right now trying to figure him out.

You sit there awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say to him. You really want to ask him, 'what did you mean I'm cute,' but you knew he's just probably joking around, plus that'd be too embarrassing to ask anyway!

Abruptly, you're dragged out of your thoughts when you feel Iwaizumi's hand snaking around yours. You look down, shocked by his daring actions. After a few seconds of his hand just holding yours, you decide to return his gesture, and slowly but surely intertwine your fingers with his, trying not to squeal in excitement as everyone sleeps through the bus ride home.

He gives your hand a light squeeze, and you quickly glance over to his face, finding that he's already staring right at you, a small smile on his face.

For the rest of the bus ride, you too stay like that; fingers intertwined, and blushes on your faces.

When you get to school however, your hand is left cold and alone as everyone filters off the bus, preparing to go home. When you finally do get to go home, all the other boys have left, as you had to stay behind and help the coaches with some tasks before they let you leave.

As you approach the gate of the school however, you see Iwaizumi standing there looking cold, his scarf wrapped around his neck, hands in his pockets.

"Iwa-kun, what're you still doing here?"

He looks away, and holds out his hand to you, "I was waiting... for you."

Glancing at his hand for a brief second, you simply smile, taking it in yours, "thank you..."

His face turns even redder if that was possible, and mumbles a quick "don't mention it," before you two walk home together in the comfortable silence.

1224 Words

Aye, this is one of my 'eh' fluffs, but I'm tired from traveling, plus I got a cold (it's not corona), but yeah. Hope y'all enjoyed this little story with precious reader-Chan and Iwaizumi! Love y'all and have a good morning/day/night!❤️😋🥰

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