➹ Miya Twins x Male! Reader - Sharing

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┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊

Your eyes closed tiredly as you leaned against the gym wall. Today had been an excruciatingly long practice, and all you wanted to do was just go home and sleep. However, you knew some certain individuals were most likely not going to let that happen. Your two best friends, Atsumu Miya and Osamu Miya always came over to your house after practice. They loved bugging you and getting on your nerves, especially at the time when you wanted to rest the most.

Today was different though, they were acting strange. As you laid against the wall, you found yourself slowly looking over in their direction. Osamu had the same bored expression on his face, while Atsumu had a strange wide grin about something. You brows furrowed, not understanding what the blond was so happy about, especially after a practice that long.

"What's on your mind?" A voice sounded next to you. Flinching, you looked up at the person, relaxing as you realized it was just your captain.

"Ah, I was just thinking about the twins. They're not whining today.. and they look happy about something..." you mumbled fidgeting with you fingers. Kita's eyes darkened for a moment, a thought seemingly flashing through his mind before disappearing.

"I would be careful (Y/N)-san. Those two are unpredictable and could do anything at anytime." He breathed out, glancing off to where the identical boys were standing. "Let me know if anything happens." He said quietly before bowing and taking his leave. His words were strange to you. It was almost like a warning in a way.

As you watched his retreating figure, the twins started approaching you, hands shoved in the sides of their gym shorts, most likely from the lack of pockets.

"Ready to head home (N/N)?" Atsumu asked with a teasing grin, holding out a hand for you. Your brows furrowed, looking at his extended hand for a moment before grabbing it and standing up as well.

"Yes, we can start heading back..." your eyes met Osamu's for a brief second, a small blush coming to your face as you looked away. "Uhm... are you two okay? You have been acting strange since practice ended.." you mumbled, starting to let go of Atsumu's hand before he squeezed your's tighter.

Your eyes widened and you looked up to meet his gaze, a confused look on your face. "Atsumu...-san?" You questioned heart beating a little bit faster from the contact.

"Ah! Sorry, I got a little... carried away." He mumbled the last part, only sending your thoughts into a spiral of questions. His actions only made you more confused. You had never seen either of them act like this before. It was as if they were... hotter. Ah no, that was a weird way of thinking about it. You immediately shook the strange thoughts from your head.

"It's fine. A-anyway, let's get going... I think we should get back before it gets any darker outside.." you breathed out, finally releasing your hand from Atsumu's grip.

The twins nodded in agreement, Osamu's eyes flashing to meet your gaze once more. There was almost a playful look in his eyes. It made a loud thump sound in your chest.


By the time you all made it back, it was already 7:00. Your parents weren't home as usual. It seemed like they were never home in fact. Your father ran part of the rice farm, and they would occasionally work late into the night in order to meet daily goals. Your mother on the other hand was a salesperson, and she was on a business trip in Saitama that week.

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