❥Kuroo x Depressed! Reader - Deep End

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[Deep End]
┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊

Ever since your father was killed, you've never been the same. His death meant a series of changes in your life that ended up ruining things for you. Your mother practically lost her mind, you lost your house and now live in a tiny apartment with 5 other people, and you barely have any money to even eat.

You've always been the quiet girl around school, but you still have a close group of friends that you always spend time with, but you know it won't last. It never does.

Silently, you make your way to school, enjoying the peace and quiet before walking into hell on earth.

Behind you, you hear your current closest friend Kuroo call out, "(Y/N)-san!"

Turning around, you just smile and wave at him. He's always been there for you, even after all your countless suicide attempts. He's not embarrassed to call you his friend, and instead, is proud to have you by his side.

"How's it going?" He asks, his face stuck in its usual smirking position.

"Fine..." you mumble, not really into talking to anyone at the moment.

"Ready for the class trip coming up soon?" He asks, trying to lighten your gloomy mood.

You pause, "...I'm not going. I don't have the money to pay the school for it." You respond, trying to avoid eye contact at all costs.

"Eh? You want me to pa-."

"No," you interrupt him. "I'm fine." In all honesty, you hate being around people, and just want everything to end already. Even if you had the money to go on the trip, the outcome would be the same.

"Ah...okay then..."

The rest of the walk is silent.


Once you both arrive at school, you already want to leave. Everything around you just makes you more and more anxious as time goes on.

Kuroo and you are both in the same class, and have been since you were first years, but sometimes, you wish you weren't. Kuroo always gets the attention, he gets good grades, is good at volleyball, and he's hot. He's just too perfect, almost to the point of where it pisses you off.

A lot of days, you go through depressive waves, to the point of where you skip school altogether. On those days, Kuroo is still always there, sometimes with his friend Kenma, brining you food, school work, and so on. I hate it. He should just stay out of it.

"Hey! Come sit with me and Kenma at lunch today, (Y/N)." He says, holding out a meat bun from the store to you.

"Okay." You respond emotionlessly, grabbing the meat bun and heading outside.

When you arrive, Kenma is already sitting on the normal bench, playing on his PSP.

"Oi, eat something before you continue with your game idiot," Kuroo says snatching the device from his hand and throwing a sweet bun in his face while you take the seat next to Kenma.

Staring at the bun in your hand, you tiredly give it back to Kuroo, "I'm not hungry."

He sighs and glances at your already thin figure, "you should at least try to ea-."

"No, I said I'm not hungry."

His face darkens, and the mood remains solemn for the rest of lunch.


On the way home, you feel your mood getting even worse. You know once you go home, you'll be faced with your explosive mother, your siblings, and their families. You have no space whatsoever, and share a tiny room with 2 other people.

Kuroo is at your side, talking on about some cat he saw the other day and how cute it was, while you just tune him out, not saying a word.

Finally, you both arrive at the place in which you both split ways.

He gives you a reassuring smile, and a fist bump before heading home. You simply nod and return his gesture before walking in the opposite direction.

When you arrive home, your mother already starts lecturing you about not doing the dishes from this morning and such, but you just nod and head to your shared room.

Staring out the window, you watch a group of students smiling and laughing on their way home. It makes you burn with anger and jealousy, knowing you'll never have that.

Out of spite and irrationality, you angrily grab your phone and begin messaging Kuroo.


Kuroo looks over at his phone, noticing a long message from you. His frown deepens.

(Y/N): Kuroo, I'm really sorry about this text, but this is how I feel.
Honestly, I am annoyed by you. You always make me feel bad, and it hurts just being around you. I have fucked up your life with my problems, and ruined a lot of your chances to be happy. No matter what, I know for a fact that in the end, we won't be friends, so I'm going to leave you before you leave me, and avoid all the pain together. Thanks for all you've done, but I'm just a royal fuck up gone off the deep end, and you're better off without me.

He stares at his phone in shock, barely knowing what to say.

Kitty Kuroo: (Y/N), that's not true, you haven't ruined my chances at happiness, and I'm not going to leave you, where did this come from?

(Y/N): Yes, it is true, and I'm sorry, but that's how it is. You're such a goody toe shoes, and you always act like you're so goddamn cool, and I'm sick of it. Thanks for what you've done, but I'm done.

You irrationally and angrily throw your phone at your pillow on your bed, making your little nephew stare at you in confusion.

Kuroo glares at his phone, confused and upset. That makes no sense! It's immature too! Why would you leave him first so he doesn't leave you? Those are words of coward— is what's going through his head as he contemplates what to say.

Finally he just replies with a simple okay, before he turns off his phone and goes to sleep, trying to ignore the emotions of sadness and anger building up in him.

"I guess there is no helping someone whose gone off the deep end."

1048 Words


I know this story is kind of random, but it's actually based on true events from my life, except I was the one is Kuroo's position. I didn't really know what else to write, but this is what I've got. It's really hard watching your friend go through these things, but I tried my best to put myself in her position, challenging as it may be. If any of you are going through this or have gone through this, just try to be civil, and don't let anger and your emotions blind you.

Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day. 😌🙏

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