➹(Mafia AU) Gangster! Tendou x Sassy! Reader - Reward

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┊ ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ ┊


"Hey! Let go of me! Who the fuck are you bastards anyway!?" You yelled as a group of three men dragged you along the dark alleyway between two buildings. It sounded so cliché and stupid to be kidnapped by strange men; it was like this scene was coming straight out of all the Hollywood movies you had watched. Still more terrifying in real life though.

A man with blonde hair and dark blonde tips glared at you, his hand tightly gripping your right arm. "Shut up. You're in no position to talk you lying bitch," he growled, his eyes dark. The other two behind you stayed silent. Unfortunately you couldn't get a look at their faces.

You deadpanned, having no recollection of ever seeing these men in your life. "What do you mean 'lying bitch?' I've never even met you, and if I had I'm sure I'd remember that ugly mug any day!" You growled, squirming in his grasp.

His glare only got worse at your comment. You could feel the grip on your arm only get worse as they suddenly made a hard right into one of the buildings. It was pretty late out night, so there weren't many people, but you thought it was strange with all of your yelling that no one came to even try and help. They slammed the large metal door behind them and suddenly you were all in a dimly lit room. It seemed more like a warehouse then a room though.

"We brought her sir." The blonde man boomed, shaking you out of your thoughts.

It was silent for a moment, no one in the room saying a word. As confident as you were acting towards the men, fear was slowly bubbling up in your chest and the heaviness of the situation was suddenly coming down on you.

"Bring her here," another voice resounded from across the large room. Immediately, you were pushed forward by the blonde and one of the other's whom you had gotten a look at finally. He had a bowl cut and his hair was a dark blue or black color. He was terrifying in a weirdly.. cute way.

Suddenly the men pushing you forward stopped and you could no longer feel their hands on you. A loud click filled the space and suddenly the luminescent lights flickered to life, revealing the man before you.

His hair was a bright shade of red, covering his forehead. His eyes looked dangerous and his stare was unwavering as his dark orbs glazed over your figure. You could feel your entire body tense up at the sight of him. He was.. terrifying. Even the corners of his lips were curled up into a sadistic looking smirk.

"Nn~, somehow you managed to bring me the wrong girl." His voice sounded calm and relaxed, but it was easy to tell there was a dark and angrier demeanor behind it.

His tired eyes narrowed and his vision shifted away from you to the blonde, expectantly awaiting his excuse.

"Sir, she perfectly matches the one in the pict-."

"Wrong. You got me the wrong woman, and now, I'm even further away from getting the 30k back that she owes me." He snapped, his angered side finally showing through as he talked to the man.

"I-I'm sorry, sir..." he whispered, bowing his head in respect.

The redhead said nothing and instead locked his gaze on you. His dark eyes pierced through your own (E/C) ones. If looks could kill you quite literally would be dead.

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