Angel Wings

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''Tick Tock, Tick Tock'' the clock on that wall was driving me insane. I still can't beleive im actuelly stuck in here. I feel traped, like a maniac stuck in an icolation room. Actuelly this is an icolation room.....all thats missing is the maniac, which i am considered as one now after this. I remember it like it just hapened now. It was a cold Monday afternoon and I was walking through the woods behind my house with my bestest friend Aaron.

Aaron sighed, ''Its so nice out, i just love it when its starting to get cold''

''Yeah i like it too.'' I added akwardly.

Its been kind of akward between us lately... I donk know why, it hasnt been like this in years. Its like he's keeping something from me. I dout it, we're way to close to keep secrets.

''So are you still doin ....that stuff.'' i tried to find the right words without trying to make it even more akward.

he chuckled ''Katt you gotta be more spesific than that''

He hasnt called me Katt in two years, it really meant alot that he remembers how close we were back then. I really missed him when he moved to maine.

''You know do you still do....'' I trailed off, ''drugs'' i said under my breath

A wave of silence came on us. He started doing drugs when he was 15 now he's 17, a year older than me. He told me everything about it when we've video chated. Aaron even went emo over it but he only cutted in secret so no one would notice, and so his parents wouldnt be worried.

''Yes....i still do....and its gotten worse.'' he couldnt even look at me in the eyes.

It tore me apart to see him like this, with scars and that scared look in his eyes.....those beautiful hazelnut-green eyes. Sometimes they even lights up when we see each other. I've seen the 'real' scars too the lighter ones are visible but the deep, horible one he shows if you know him that much and he trusts you. One time i even had to take his razor blades got that worse.

''Oh Aaron....'' I wispered wishing i could get him to stop in a hearbeat.

We turned around and walked back to my house not realizing how deep in the woods we were. I almost got lost actually....the only reason i even now is because i basically marked every tree by my house with symbolls.

''Do you guys want any snacks?'' my mom yelled as we were fifty feet from home.

Aaron and me wispered silently to figure out what we want.

''We'll come inside in a few and figure it out, okay?'' i yelled back.

After 5 minutes of waiting

''Okay'' she finnaly screamed.

After spending fifteen minutes laying on the grass looking at clouds and talking about eachother we go inside to get some fruit. He told me alot about how maine is and how he hates his school there. After all the things that he suffered for he says that hes just glad that he is back with us in Miami. It kind of made me wonder if he was over egsagerating, or not. Then we spend more time in my room listening to old songs and begin dancing and acting crazy. Our normal routine.

After about four days without talking to Aaron I deside to Skype him on facebook.

_*3 Calls Later*_

I grunt and close my laptop. I look around my room and just stare and my bookbag. Well now i am forced to do my homework.. I sigh as I take out my math homework. It was pretty easy so I got done with that fast. Then i had a World History paper, but thats due next week so i just leave that alone.

Angel WingsWhere stories live. Discover now