My Convertion: Finding Truth #2

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Because of some problem in Zamboangga where I live in my uncle, I planned to go back to Bukidnon. Fortunately, the church-E holds a youth convention in Bukidnon so, I just have to wait for a couple of days so I can join the convention before going home.

We packed up our things with my friend in church-E for tomorrow's
long travel and then we slept.

In a top of a mountain, saw myself walking on a long road and no one else but only me, beneath were trees..  I saw my tita (the wife on my uncle where I live in Zamboangga) on the side of the road sitting. When I am about to pass, she then asked me saying "how was the convention, are you going home?" but I just smiled at her then on the other side, I saw a man also staring at me, I also smiled at him, then I just continue walking.... I noticed a luxurious car coming from my back towards me like hitting me, I saw a woman driving on it with a child in the passenger seat, so I step back to avoid it and when I looked in front of me was also a truck towards me also, it's driver is a man, so I step back again and I fell beneath, fortunately, I hold a branch so I was hanging. The car and the truck collides then they fell on me.  I was slightly hit on my head. And when I saw my arms, I was holding the child (the woman's passenger) unconsciously. I was struggling to lift ourselves because my one is holding to the branch and the other arm is holding an unconscious child. I decided to let the child fell on the ground so I can lift myself. I was able to go back on the walk and continue walking. The I then walk on the side of a river where I can see beautiful fishes with different colors, it's tempting but  I continue walking. I saw ahead on the way a group of people but I just passed them by. Then I saw houses with almost the same structure, it was like a subdivision. Then I saw a woman sitting all alone outside her house. I then asked her, where should I go. She then answered me pointing a stair wap up....she said "just follow that way". So I went to the stair she said and above was a long road again. Then I walked on the road and I found a bridge with no ends but a light so bright....

Then I heard an annoying noise that wakes me from sleeping, it was my friend walking to the bathroom...

I was bothered by my dream, I know it means something because it was so vivid like it will really happen but I just don't know what could be it's meaning.... Since then, I couldn't go back to sleep so I just finalized my things to get ready for the convention...

The dream always come to my mind but I really have no idea what could be the meaning of all those....

Then we arrived to the convention. After the convention, I went back home..... I was so happy having me home again...

But the dream keeps me bother....

Then one day, one of my cousins, called me asking me if I could have a time to be in her place while her partner is not around.... We are classmates in highschool and were close.. She lives in a subdivision in the city. She is a mistress with a one year old son.... I can't refuse to her request so I stayed in her place and helping her taking care of her child while her partner is not around...

I feel pity in her situation. But sometimes, I wanted to stay away from her because she had a bad habits and activities like taking elligal drugs, drinking alcohol, gambling with our neighborhood and being harsh to her child. But her child holds my heart back because he always looking for me. Her child is pitier. We sometimes roam the subdivision late at night because I sneak him out because of his mom.....I've been like a father to him.

During the time I stayed there, I wasn't able to get to any church I used to be but there's something in my mind telling me that "there's no truth in them anyway".... but deep inside my heart is longing to hear the words of God again....

Then there's sometimes, when my cousin is sick, and her friends were looking for her to take illegal drugs, she told me to take her place instead...and that's the reason how I had an experience of taking drugs, and drinking alcohol, and gambling....

I know, I've been pathetic that time that I couldn't stand the things I know was right.

I discourage you to take an elligal drugs and won't make you to be a superman but a pathetic one.

In the subdivision, I always have the privilege to go to the other house with my cousin's son nearby to play with their kids as well. It is the Record family. They also go to our house occasionally.

Mr. Record is a foreigner, he met his filipina wife and stayed here in the Philippines. They are good people. I'm happy to meet them and their family because I go to them whenever there is a misunderstanding in my cousin's house.

We've been close because of a tragic happened in the subdivision approaching the month of December...

It's quarter to 6pm....

Weeewwwww!!!!! wweeeee!!!! wweeeww!!!!

You have to evacuate immediately now!!!! said the patrol team to the subdivision residents.

Why!!!! what's happening!!!!! what's happening!!!!!

we are all panicking....

Ohhhhh!!!!! water coming from outside!!!!!! there's a flood!!!! there's a flood!!!!

what are we gonna do now??!!! it's still raining hard!!!!???? jo!!! take care of the baby!!!

.....the refrigerator, the television.... let's lift it up on the table!!!!

my cousin have been very strong that time....she lift up the big size refrigerator of her own on the table, I can't help her because of her son I'm carrying...

Let's get outside now!!!!!

Ohhh my!!!!!! we're stuck!!!!!

The water went up so fast!!!!

Our area is higher therefore going outside is not possible any more...

Let's go to Record's..!!!

They also were stuck in their house....

Brother Record said to his " Hon, clam will be alright"""

No!!! the water still going up still..she answered.

Luckily, the rain calms...

It went up higher and higher we've decided to go on the roof.... Fortunately, their car was just parked near their house so we're able to go to the roof.....

After my cousin and her son is on the roof..I went down again to help sister Helen saving snacks and little dress that we may be use...

My height is 5'8" and the water level is at my breast so I still can move but for other's it was already at their neck....and could hardly walk so I help them in every way I can...

That was so horrible moment happened...

Most of the residents of the subdivision were stuck and their properties were devastated.

When I get on the roof with them, my legs were so tired and shaking...because I got wet all over my body, my legs were numb.

That night for about 10pm in the evening when the water calm down, the rescue team arrived... We've been happy, but it is so hard for me to stand because my legs were numb and shaky.... I was so lucky to be able to get up to the truck which carry us to the evaluation center....

When we arrived, I was supposed to go down from truck but I can't stand so I fell down on the ground...then the soldier help and lift me....

We didn't get inside the City Gymnasium (evaluation center) because it was so crowded...

The Record family called us to go to where they go....

We went to an inn to get over the night....

On the morning, we went to other place nearby....

It was a wonderful building like an hospital painted with dirty white with many rooms....the room we're not so occupied... There are women who were cooking and assisting the evacuees... It has air-conditioning and the floor were tiled so I suppose it was an hospital....

When we get to our room, we saw hymn books....and that's when I realized that it was a church...

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