Frustration #4: What else can I do?!

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It was a wonderful and starry night...

I saw myself outside the chapel looking for the beautiful stars up above the beautiful sky and it was amazingly gorgeous....

I've noticed something weird...

I saw something like white dress in the sky so it captured my eyes and I look at it and wanted to know what could it be...

ohhhh!!!!!! it's moving!!!! it moving!!!! it seems to be dancing....I tend to tell my friends but no one is with me so I just stay looking at it...

I saw it was a lady in white dancing...and she walked happily. She hums a good melody... then the sky turns to a beautiful garden with trees on her way while walking... and I've noticed that she's getting bigger as I followed her....she stops and I saw she faced to me and she catches me staring at her... then there was another one lady in white in the sky... She looks happy but I can see some sadness in her... she talked to me.... so I was so surprised, what could it be..

How can I help????..I said...ohhh why am I saying this to her....???

please find my sister...she said pleading...

then I saw someone kneeling, praying inside the a church like some other church and she's wondering about her problem....she seems like one of my neighborhood but I am not sure....

then I come to realize that is a spirit...

then I saw myself asking her a question...did you know my late grandfather??? have you seen him??? how was he????

I haven't seen him but if he is in the garden, I know he is happy right now..she said

How about the spirit in the prison, how are they.???? I asked.

then she vanish.... and I can see someone weeping, crying and he was tied up with a chain, then someone is holding a whip beating him...

then the lady in white suddenly apear and said unto me... someone is beating them until they spit blood...

what..!!!??? how could they spit blood if they already are spirits!!!..I replied

ohhh how horrible!!!!

then I saw, a lot of me friends in the Church up above me..they seem like a spirit descending down to me...

why are you all here.....I asked but they stay quiet..

then I saw someone watching me up above....

I recognized him....I know you!!!

Your one of my cousins right???

How is your mom and dad???? I hope they're just fine...I said but he stays silent...

It feel so great to see someone in my family that woul also be a member of the church...

and I'm very happy while asking him...

Why are you with them!!!??? when did you get baptized.!!????? I asked

He then seems to be so sad... but I don't know why... I can sense that he has a problem...

He the open his mouth to answer my questions... but an anonymous and annoying sounds so loud cover up his voice so I couldn't hear anything....

and seems like it actually hurting my ears....

Why!!!????? I spoke it out while I suddenly opened my eyes..

I realized that it was just a dream...but I really wonder why how was it so vivid like it actually happened...

I asked myself, what could be the meaning of this...???

The dream I had was so strange...

Then there's one thing that comes in my mind, it is that I must go to serve a mission but as soon as I think of it and reminded about the words that the spirit in white dress said concerning about the spirit in prison, I was afraid that it could happen to my family who did not accept the gospel of Jesus Christ....

I was so afraid like there's something aching in my heart and I felt a sudden sadness to me for my family....

I started to cry harder again...


Why are you doing this to me??!!!

If you want me to go on a mission, then please help me!!!! help me!!! I really needed help!!! what more can I do!!!???..I plead to God...

I have done all that I can please help me!!???

Tell me Lord??!!! please..tell me how will I do knew I am will to go to and serve you....

But as you mission has been postponed...what more can I do Lord???!!! please, tell me....

I can't count the tears fell on my bed from crying to Him that night....

My desire to go on a mission has been more burning since that night... And I said to myself that whatever happens, I know that God will help and He will help me to go on a mission...

Since that day, the missionaries didn't texted me to go to work with them.. I guess they might thinking I won't go on working with them because my mission call has been postponed...

I also received text messages that is comforting comes from one of my friends..

I guess, they all already knew that my mission call has been postponed but they don't know that I'm totally fine now since that night....

I started to contact the missionaries and asked them if I can go work with them...and they say "yes of course brother!!!"...

I arrived at our meeting place with the missionaries, they then asked me how have I been...

I'm totally fine Elder, don't worry to me...I replied

They say... I know that's it's disappointing brother but we all know that you have your mission in different way....

I got it Elder... thanks!!! I replied...

I realized that a mission has a power here and even to the other world but your mission to invite others to come unto Christ didn't just begin when you go to other places to proclaim and share the gospel of the Lord, it started as when you are converted to His gospel and take the name of Jesus Christ in your life, always remember Him in everything you do, keep His commandments and be willing to endure serving you life to Him and to His can share the gospel and invite others to come unto Christ even without name tag on because you can invite others to come to Him in your own way.... you can be a missionary in your own way...and you've been His disciple when you received your conversation and have the desire to follow Him..

This thoughts keeps me active in the Church....

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