My Conversion: Finding Truth #3

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This building is amazing. I can't believe it was a church....but what's the name of this church????

It was nice...

I saw sister Helen's daughter going in to a room so I followed her. Then I saw the Record's family. I saw brother Record reading a book but it's not a Bible so I thought it was some kind of a book or I come sit beside him to know what it is...

I come to him because it was a good feeling for me to talk to a foreigner....and practice my little bit English I know....

Then I talked to him saying:

What is that you're reading???? I asked

It is the Book of Mormon....he replied

Who is Mormon???? I asked

He then look a page of the Book to read....

He then read with his soft voices but not a single word I understand....

So I asked sister Helen what He's saying????

She then trying to stop her mouth from I wonder why and just started to smile at him listening while he is reading but I really cannot understand....

When he pause reading, I asked his name...

What is your name??? I asked

I'm Kent....he answered

What are you reading??? I asked again and try to look at the book...

I figured out that it is written in Cebuano and he is trying to read it to me in the best way he can...but it makes the words awkward to hear using his English accent and his way of reading the words......that is why I can't understand.....

It's so funny but I really appreciated his effort reading it cebuano though....

We stayed there for a couple of days waiting for things to be that we maybe able to get back to the subdivision.

A couple of weeks ago, the subdivision go back to normal and Christmas is coming...

Helen (Wife of Kent Record) invited me to attend their Christmas in the church but I wasn't able to attend because of some emergency happened in Kahaponan (our residence)....

A couple of weeks ago when I get back to the subdivision, Helen invited me to their church the coming Sunday and I accepted it....

But what was the name of the church again??? I asked to Dian (Helen's relative helping her in their house).

Mormon....she answered

What???? is that even a church???

Yes.... they were so formal in their dress so you should be dressed formally also.....she replied

Do they believe in Jesus Christ??? I asked but she's been busy and she might not hear me...

Some kind of Church again... I told myself...but why they called Mormol????  Marmol???? Marmon??? what do they called??? I asked myself...

I'm been excited to know their church and hear the word of God again but there's something in my mind telling me not to go because they might be a Satanism that my mom said not to go to...

It is the first Sunday.....

Jorry are you going with us???? Helen asked

I supposed not to go but I feel awkward to decline her invitations so I prepare myself rushingly.... wearing my checkered polo and pants...

Their car hasn't been repaired so we ride a motorela (a kind of transportation used here in Bukidnon)....the motorela has been so full....the daughter of Helen carries on her lap his brother so that no one will be left...

We arrived to the church....

I was surprised why there are few people in a big building but wait.... maybe we just arrived early.....

Few minutes then, the seats were filled gradually....

I noticed that they're really dressed up specially their men were good looking with their white polo or while long-sleeve and necktie...

I remembered something similar about the white polo with necktie but I can't remember when and how... it's just looks so familiar to me...

There were big difference to all the churches that I've been before.. I usually praise God with all the energy that I have while singing a song of praise and sometimes I loss my voice because of singing but this church was totally different. It is so solemn and relaxing when they sing their hymn. The piano, the serenity, and the ambience and their singing of Hymn made it all perfect like heaven experience....

Then it was their fast & testimony Sunday and there is something weird I noticed to all the testimonies of the members.... most of them said that "this is the only true church upon the face of the Earth" and I know other members agreed through their faces......why???? how???? I asked myself... how can they say that they're only true church????? do they mean by that, that the other churches are wrong??????have they been to other churches and proved it wrong???????? there are millions of churches out could they said such????

I've been to a lot of churches but I can't say them wrong and I know that the members of this church couldn't have been to many churches as I am but how can they say that big word "the only true church"....I doubt it... that's what in my mind that time.

There were a lot of what, how, why in my mind that I really can't understand that's why it comes to my mind to investigate the church....

Then after their first meeting end, I saw one of our neighbors and also my relative, they are our second degree cousin in my father's side so I talked to them a little bit.... I have no idea that they are members of this church that infact, we're just in one street in our barangay....(in the provinces, most of the residents know each other specially when they're living in the same barangay, rumors can easily spread out in barangay). I can sense that they are busy so I just get out to the room alone and sit outside and wait for Record family....

Then I think it over again why I didn't know that they (my relatives) are members of this church..... it adds to my question.. I never heard this church before, even in radio or in this a secret church????? I asked myself...

Then someone called me...

Hey!!! come on brother, let's go to our class....he said while tapping my shoulder..

I...I am not a member"... I said directly to him...

ahh...okay, you can still join us, will you??? he said..

So I followed him on the way to a room while looking for Record family but I didn't see them around....

Then we get to a class with those the same age as me....

I listened to their lesson and I found nothing so special about it... It was basic...... that's why I asked myself how can they say that they're only true church if we only learn the same thing....

Then the class ends and we go to another class... while on the way to another room, I saw two men dressed with white polo, necktie and something black on their breast....

That's it!!!!! I remembered the two young men who looked for black shoes in the shoe store of my uncle...

They talked to me and asked me if they could visit me in my place... and I just said yes...

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