My Conversion: Finding Truth #4

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The full-time missionaries asked for an appointment to me for their visit and I'm gladly accepted it so I can learn about their beliefs and about the thing more, I'd like also to find out for myself the answers of my doubts about them....

Anyways, I am an open-minded person to everything and slow in judgements and a very independent...

Maybe that's reason why I easily deceived or trust people. I am not good of judgements.... If anyone will show great in my impressions, they can gain my trust and I would be attached to it.... In short, my heart decides over my mind.... it's perhaps my weakness....but with every decision that I have made, I give my 100% responsibility whatever it may be for good or bad, independently...

As long as I think it to be the best thing to do, I'll for it.

Unfortunately, on the day of their visit, we have an understanding with my cousin in the subdivision where we supposed to meet, that's why it doesn't happened because I went back home.

When I got home, my brother asked me if I am available to work as sealer in juice factory and I accepted it.

In my work, my boss asked me to stay in their house while working so I can easily take a rest if my work is done and I can go home every Sunday (my rest day) I decided to stay and grab the opportunity to easily meet the missionaries more often..

I'd like to extend my gratitude to my boss.... they're been so good to me and being understanding.... they're nice person.... They allow me to roam around the city if I decided to...

Since then, I spend my Sundays in the church even if no one invites me before I go home from my work....

I think, I was really prepared to meet this church...

The full-time missionaries asked me again for an appointment that they teach me more about the church but I said to them that I will be one to text to meet them whenever I have a vacant time in my work....they just say "it would be good, brother"...

In my work, operations will stop if electricity is out...and that's the way I can meet with the missionaries other than weekends...I come and them to the chapel to teach me...I could meet them trice a week on weekdays....

They taught me gradually...and they are good, I can easily get what they are trying to point out but it gets me disappointed when they  end their teachings so early like they only spends less than an hour to teach me....during the lessons, I usually said, " Is that all??? "

I mean, I already know most of the principles that they taught me because I already learned it from the other churches that I've been so I eagerly want to learn more that I've never knew before....

But making me wait for something that's really get interests is a very good strategy to pursue me...

Because of that, I throw them many questions that I already had an answer to myself but please don't get me wrong because I won't fight for the answers I have for my own question, I listened to their answers and try to compare it to my own understanding and through studying the Bible...

I wasn't in school that time so I have the opportunity to study the Bible.

Until one time, I throw them a simple question with an obvious answer but they just answer me with another question that makes me stop from questioning them...

"Elder, who did baptized Paul???" I asked.

" Is that question can help to your salvation????" they said...

I was surprised and think that they might know what I am thinking that I'm just throwing them questions that really makes no sense...

You know, you should understand that there are only two questions that you must decern and be aware... A question to let them know the answer and a question to let them know if you know the answer...and whatever your, will be used to commend or condemn you.

To answer a question with another question is a clever way to understand the intention of someone who asked.

"ahhmmm to me???? not really" I said to the missionaries

Then I stopped questioning them and just listened to their lessons.

I can't find flaws in their is so simple and easy to understand so I just continue in listening to them.

Until they invited me to get baptized. I can't say no to them because I can't find any reason to decline but I ask...

"Elder, I already baptized by the other that okay???"

"of course!!! there's no problem at all because whenever how many times you've been baptized by someone who has no authority (Priesthood) it is good for nothing....this coming baptism of yours, you will be baptized by someone who holds the authority....

"ahhmmm okay" I said

"After you finish your lessons, you will undergo an interview for your baptism...." they said...

Then, another missionaries assigned from the other chapel do the said interview....

I feel a mix emotions during that day...

I thought it would be alright but in the interview, they found out that I still have to work on the Law of Chastity because of my experiences when I stayed in the subdivision in my cousin's house....

Someone had taken advantage of my innocence that night. It's already quite a while but as per regulation of the church, I have to take more time to repent and prepare myself more for the baptism.

It upsets me, but it doesn't stop me... The time that my baptism has been postponed, it gave me much time to think it over again if I really have the will to be baptized....

It proves me something about the church. They don't baptize if you ain't know about the church, the doctrines itself, the history, the faith with actions and the willingness to obey God's commandments.

Being baptized by this church is not a big deal for my parents but my relatives who holds a church (the church who made my first baptism) of different denomination, it's been a big deal... They tried to stop me over the phone and said that the church is a cult but fortunately they are far from me and can't hold me after a month of preparation, my baptism had been made.

It was in the 25th day of May 2013.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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