Chapter 1

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It's a hazy Sunday and it's raining cats and dogs outside. Kate never seemed to fancy rain, she never understood the purpose of getting oneself wet in the rain, she liked being squeaky clean. And never once did get she wet in the rain and she took pride in it.

Kate is one of the  richest pupils of her college. Her father is an automobile manufacturer who struck it rich beyond his wildest dreams. Kate is elegant, exuberant, outrageously beautiful and beyond anyone's reach. Her eyes were more than just plain cold green, they were the green that could bring the earth back to life after an unforgiving cold. She has a heart shaped face with dimples on either sides of her cheeks which make her aesthetically appealing everytime she smiles. Her caramel brown hair laid perfectly on her shoulders.

She has access to everything that sets her heart on fire. Her life is what you would call perfect from the outside but shoddy on the inside. For once she wanted to feel like the other kids. But life had different plans since the day she was born to the Williams.

She is believed to be benevolent and wears her heart on her sleeve. She has a very amiable personality and  carries huge energy around herself. Her group of friends is not restricted to certain people. She believes in the “When the right time comes” Never has she  ever been anxious about having something or someone. She believes love is a part of life and that true love will find her when it's time.

Her house was enormous and  stupendous. It had a cloak room, a grand foyer, a gallery,  a dinning hall, a great hall, a ballroom, a drawing room, a wine cellar, a canning room and what not. But there was still such chasm in her life. She was the only heiress to her father's estate. She longed to have a younger sister or a brother to play with but her parents were always preoccupied with their responsibilities. They adored her nonetheless. Showered her with expensive items, took her to lavish dinner parties, extravagant trips, bought her all the riches in the world but little did they know that she only needed someone to love her in the right way. 

Kate was always enthusiastic. she found happiness in the tiniest of the things. She enjoyed everything her parents did for her and never disappointed them at anything. She was pressed to be the best at everything. She often thought “Why do I have to be the best when I can be me”. But instantaneously remembered her father's words
              “The world only remembers the best. If you're not the best than you'll be counted with the rest of them, which would be a shame to our family name”.

Kate always yearned for someone that could see her for what she was and not some rich brat. All the boys that she had met took fancy in her Dadddy's money. She had lost faith in meeting ‘the one’ and had made up her mind in marrying some rich dork her father decides. Cause afterall daddy knows the best, well now doesn't he?

Kate never had any crushes on the boys at school either. She thought having crushes was not for a woman and it seemed very childish to her. Though her heart desperately wanted to believe that there was someone that was  made specifically for her, someone that had the same taste in music, was ambitious and funny at the same time. But the reality seemed to be contrasting. She had never met someone like this in 19 years and she knew it wasn't happening any sooner.

Kate had numerous friends but nobody she could count upon if she needed any kind of support. But she always enjoyed having company around her or with her. She was  frightened of being lonely and loathed the idea of being alone. But she never was the narcissist who thought everyone had to worship her. She was endeared by the ones that saw a friend in her and envied by the ones that aspired to be like her. She never saw that ‘Something’ in herself and never understood why people loved her and envied her at the same time.

She was never one of  those kids that despised  going to college. It was like a big social to her. She was quite the talkative one. Always got the remark “ Is an excellent student, always obeys the teachers and is very involving” which never made her happy.

She had once read this quote from KURT COBAIN that read

I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I am not

But everytime she tried to be herself, her parents disciplined her and told her this is not what she was supposed to be. The thought of constantly being torn between who she was and who she was expected to be had devasted her.

The only person  she had a good rapport with was her maid Nadia. Who treated her like an ordinary kid, played with her, never once did she call her a mistress because she knew Kate didn't like it. She treated Kate like a friend she never had. Shared her secrets, told her about boys, period, sex and what not. Kate gained her worldy knowledge from having sessions with Nadia. She genuinely enjoyed Nadia's company.

Kate couldn't wait to go to college.  Irrespective of her father's status she still completed her homework every night. And tied her hair in a proper pony tail. She despised idea of going to school in  buggati. She would get glares as she would get down her car. And she honestly didn't enjoy that.
She knew her life would be dreadful without her parents. So she was not once ungrateful for all the goodies but just wanted a variance in her lifestyle if that was possible.

She had an enormous room with a queen size bed in the centre. An alluring mirror that had beautiful tracing on its sides. She still remembers how her father got it for her when he went on a business trip to Germany. She would often look into mirror and chat to herself for hours together.

When she went to college next day she was greeted by the people who's name she couldn't even recollect. Having a bunch of admirers around her made her feel like the lead actress from the movie “Mean girls”. She giggled everytime she thought about that.

Now kate wasn't oppressive but she had certain rules that people around her had to follow and everybody she knew always kept a track of that. For starters, she never liked anyone yelling her name in the hallway or snacking from her plate, smoking in her face but the one that she despised the most was anyone sitting in her seat. She had this particular seat where she'd always sit, and she was used to the environment, the breeze and posture that she sat in.

Author's note:
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.❤️ All of my love to you lovely people out there.

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