Chapter 14

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The clouds seemed gloomy and the atmosphere was still and despairing.  David hadn't even known kate long enough to mourn her absense. But there was this dolefulness  in him that the weather could grasp and reciprocate.

Back at Kate's end Nadia evidently remembered this was the guy kate  said she would marry and he wanted her to stay away from him. What could've possibly gone down? What had kate done now? She had to inform kate of this mishap but that wouldn't come up till she was back home which would be by midnight and she wasn't allowed to disturb kate during the public meetings as instructed by her mother so she decided to wait it out.

Immediately after  kate returned home Nadia snuck into her room to help her with undressing. She cautiously initiated the conversation.

"David was here. " Nadia  could see the light in Kate's eyes.

“What? Really, how come?"

"He asked me to give you a message." Nadia was nervous. 

"What is it? Does he love me?" Kate's eyes were brimming.

"No, I'm afraid he wants you to keep away from him." Nadia was disheartened, she was stroking her thumb back and forth.

"Why would he want to stay away from me. Did something possibly go down or am I not enough? " Kate was inquistive.

"You're enough. Infact you're incredible, kate. You don't have to think about such things. If you really want to make him yours. Work towards it and don't hold back. "

"I.. he doesn't believe in love and thinks there's different people for different times in life. Do you think that's true?? "

"There's a lot of things we don't believe in until we happen to experience it. Don't we? Maybe he's discerned too much murkiness to finally realise you could be his light? "

"But what do I do now?? "

"Marry him kate. " Nadia was sure when she said it.

Kate was staring at her in disbelief. "What ?"

"Marry him. Make him yours? It's not very difficult then? "

"Okay. But it's a long way from here, dia. It feels impossible. My heart hurts. I've never wanted someone so much. ”

"It's not your fault kate. It's how we are as people. We may have everything we need but some people just make us feel that without them we have nothing.”

“You're right I need to speak to David. I think it's time. ”

"You should. But how would you find him now. Do you know where he stays or where he could be at the moment. ”

“Well there's this river by the side. I think I spotted him around there once."

" What if you're wrong and he's not there. You can't keep looking for him all night"

"Oh I will. Don't tell mummy and daddy about this, dia".

Kate sneaked out of the window. Rushed through the grassplot, conclusively leapt the gate and scrammed off.

Nadia wondered what her parents would do if they ever got to know. She prayed they wouldn't and kate gets to meet David without much Hassel.

Now kate was out and about, scrutinizing  all areas as she was headed towards the river with anticipation. Her heart was pounding so heavily like it would pop. She got there.

He was nowhere to be found . She examined the entire location but in vain, there was no sign of David. Disappointed she decided to leave as her attempt towards finding him was wasteful.

Just when she decided to leave, she felt something arise from the water. It gave her the heebie-jeebies. What was it? She was desperate to run. But then she noticed the same bristling hair and the daunting blue eyes she was in love with. It was David. She was overjoyed.

He was bare-chested. His body was fit and remarkably maintained. She was reminded of her tummy when she noticed it.

He took heed of her. Immediately emerged from the water and put on his t-shirt. He was amazed and never did he think kate would be there of all the people. 

"What are you doing here?" He perched on the chilly sod.  

"I wanted to know why you wanted to stay away from me.."

"I don't need you in my life. Now buzz off you. "

"I.. I ... Can't let you go. "


"Because you make me feel alive. All my life nothing has excited me or made me feel alive like you. I have friends and family,  I have everything I need. But the fun element, the one that's supposed to make you feel alive. It was always missing until I saw you on my seat. You gave my life a stir and helped me realise of my own existence. Everytime I'm with you. I think about how I'm supposed to act or how you would react to anything I said, you give me the adrenaline rush and  all of that makes me feel alive. I think I wouldn't be too stupid if I said I was in love with you. "

"You what?

"I love you David Parker. I know you don't feel the same way and I know you probably never will. But this heartache will make me feel alive for the rest of my life. ”

“ Look all my life I could never express how I was feeling, I just thought if I ever spoke my mind,  nobody would be interested and they'd think I'm a bore or they probably wouldn't care. So I've never got to the speaking your mind part but

You make me feel alive too. You're the energy I've always craved for. I know you're life's not perfect but you're good at accepting and loving everything you have and not regreting the things you lose. I envy you sometimes. But.. kate"

"But.. what?"

"But I can't be in love with you.  I'm afraid. I want to be powerful. I can't jeopardize it. I Can't be distracted. ” David looked down in remorse.

"There's one thing you should know. You're too fragile, I hope you don't break too soon. I'll leave. Wish you all the luck and I won't chase you anymore. You're free from me. "

Kate was restraining her tears and she turned to leave when David held her hand. She abruptly frozen and looked back.

"If you leave how will you win at this game? David chuckled and as she turned her face towards him, he hugged her. They were close to enough to sense eachother's heartbeat.

She gave in and stood there it felt so warm. But Kate pulled away.

"But I can't force you to love me. I'd rather not. That's what lovers do. They let go if they love you right? That's winning as a lover. David I still win. "

"Who says that. You don't let go of the people you love you win them over. And make them fall in love with you. I think that's what I would do if I loved somebody and I'm not even that determined. "

Kate smiled  and  nodded.
"Well then it's on David Parker. "

David grinned.

"Oh and there's something you should know"

"What is it" kate was curious.

"Your family. They're controlling your life by monitoring all your moves "

"What you can't be  serious david?"

"You seriously didn't know? You should figure that out kate, it's creepy"

"Right. I'll ask Nadia. Thank you.

Author's note ❤️
How did y'all like this chapter?? Please send me suggestions, they're always welcomed.

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