Chapter 3

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It's one of those days when wind blows Cold and sun shines bright. Kate enters the class and finds someone in HER SEAT. She creeps up and spots a fine boy, she's probing her body from top to bottom. Still hasn't had the courage to bring herself to speak to him. Why is it so hard. She is the girl all these guys lust after. She is the most wanted. Then why does she feel like he's winning over her game.

She slowly whispers to herself
"the course of true love never did run smooth"

A beautiful head jolted to check where the sound came from. A voice that felt like soft music to his ears, a dulcet tone. He held her gaze. They leisurely gazed into each other's eyes exploring the mysteries hidden in them. He then slowly turned his
face away from hers.

It's Philosophy class. Kate loved it and also the teacher Miss Stewart. She was different from the rest. She taught them more than any book ever could. As always she starts to discuss about "The realities of life"

She points to David " haven't seen you in ages David. Mind shedding some light on the topic".

Some smirks are listened to in the near atmosphere. Everyone almost imagining what this extortioner would have to add. David elevates and fixes his shirt.

" Reality you call it aye. Reality corresponds with a dream. Your dream causes you to look at reality exclusively without it even being there and to achieve your dream you have to accept the reality that lies right infront of you. Accept who you are, make peace with everything that's happening around you. Understand the pits and the falls. There could be things that you don't want to accept or see but are just there you have to see them and  accept them, then only will you be able to rise above all and make your dream a reality."

"Very well David, and what is your dream?" Asked Miss Stewart slowly but enough to hear

"Power" A strong confident voice spoke.

" Interesting, I'm so glad that I have ambitious students. Also I want everyone to submit an assignment by Monday, you have 3 days class. And the topic is " meaning of life"
I want it to be a 500 words writeup. Also you can be blunt and open about expressing what life is to you. But nothing too dirty. I will see it on Monday. Thanks guys.

Kate's heart skipped a beat. The period had finished and they were expected to leave. But kate didn't move which was very unlikely of her. She sat there pondering about the hunk she just met eyes with. Something inside her said they belonged together. A sense of belongingness and affinity. She gave him one last glace before he was gone.

" I am going to make him mine." is what she kept whispering to herself. But as Shakespeare duly said course of true love is never smooth. It's a battle you fight with yourself and the rest of the world.

Kate had a reputation of getting whatever or whoever she laid her eyes on. But this time it felt like a game. And Kate never relished losing. She was ambitious and powerful. So nothing could stop her. she grinned.

Kate was ready to go that extra mile for him. He felt worthy of all the effort. Kate didn't interact much that day. Only a few chats here and there. When she eventually entered the cafeteria, she caught sight of the perfect boy again. She felt an adrenaline rush in her body. She was determined to get to know him today.

She thought she should maybe try and strike a conversation with him. But he felt a lil too reserved. But then Kate being kate went over to his table and actually started talking

"Hey!!! what are you eating?" She was trying to change her voice so she would sound even more appealing and exotic.

David was playing with his food but he looked up tilted his head and went like " I don't think I know you?" He sounded pretty rude and uninterested.

Kate was embarrassed nobody had ever done this to her. She felt everyone's eyes on her. She was so done
" You can? I'm kate Williams. And we suprisingly go to the same college and  share most classes together."

" Funny how I never cared. Now buzz off you"

" You're rude and an asshole. You knw you crave for power and I already have it. That is the difference. " kate was boiling with anger

"If owning a couple of properties and driving to college in a fancy car is power to you then I don't want it. See ya kate"

Kate stood there. She couldn't take this anymore. Her eyes were burning. She was about to cry when Madeline held her and took her to the bathroom.

"Shusshh... It's alright baby. Don't take it to your heart. He's pretty mysterious and doesn't really care about anybody I guess"

" Oh my god Madeline I've never been so embarrassed all my life. You knw everyone was watching.. "
She continued sobbing  her nose was watery too..

Madeline smiled and continued "let me take you home. We'll play some games and have dinner together. What say?"

"I really wish I could but there's a huge party that mom and dad want me to attend. So I'm gonna have to go"

"Oh you rich kids always have plans don't you"

"Im sorry Maddy but you're the best."
Maddy pressed her lips

"I think I'm gonna go now see you around kate" Madeline was annoyed at Kate's behaviour but dint dare utter a single word.

"Yeah sure"

Now as Kate was waiting for her ride to arrive when she spotted David walking back home. The unabridged humiliating scene flashed right infront of her. It felt heavy.

She saw him wend his way towards her. Her eyes felt bleary and a tinge of excitement stirred inside of her. 

He was even more winsome from close. "I feel like I owe you an apology for acting the way I did. I was being an asshole. You strike as a nice person hence I believe you should keep away from me. I'm just not interested and I don't think it would do the trick between us. Im sorry Karren" David was chuckling while he said that.

"It's kate. Also you don't have to be sorry. I always get what I want."

David smiled and responded " funny how you'd want me lol"

"Funny how your self esteem is fuming" Kate yelled as he left.

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