Chapter 6

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An array of thoughts and actions were capturing David's mind. Causing an instant reflux of overflowing emotions.

David was contemplating the occurrence. The whole idea seemed cryptic in mysterious ways. Was there another side to Zack that he  hadn't explored? What was it that he wasn't aware of? The whole thought was beating his brains out.

He decided to ultimately find out for himself.

He  drove his car and reached the spot and was waiting for the anticipated moment. He saw Zack approaching and  silently getting into the car 

"So there's  something that I haven't told you. And I genuinely dint comprehend  how you would respond to it so I decided to keep it a secret. But I can't withhold it anymore." Zack's eyes were puffy like he was going to cry...

David was staggered he couldn't quite perceive what was going on.." what are you talking about. Something went south? I always thought we shared everything with eachother. Guess it was only me".

"No David just hear me out. Please this is going to be really hard for me. All that I expect you to do is hear me out first..

"Sure. Go on I'm all ears "

" So.. you remember last November when I told I was staying at granny's. I wasn't. I was here at Knicks." He mumbled

"Okay why were you at Knicks and  what after that" Dav was trying to be more patient with his bestfriend. He wanted to know what Zack endured.

"So.. You remember my dad divorced my mom the same month for somebody else. Mom couldn't grapple with all that and started crumbling, which led her to drink everynight and day. She also resorted to Smoking and  was falling into depression. I was devastated. There was no cash at home. I tried reaching out to dad but he told me "She's your problem now" and I specifically remember my mother was not an addict. She was a simple sweet woman.

         That bastard was turning her into somebody that couldn't savvy what was going on. I tried to take care of her, took her to some of the doctors but they shunned and ridiculed me saying she required  rehabilitation services that's all. I wept  every night wondering what I would do if anything happened to my mom. She's all that I  have. It was such a bad time and the thought of it  gives me chills to this present day.”

Zack was sobbing with tears rolling down his cheeks. It was agonizing. David couldn't bring himself to talk. He was flown in the emotions.

Zack continued.. "Then somedays later I went to Knicks again to get  liquor for my mother. I met this guy Tim, we begin to talk and had a heart to heart conversation where I explained my frustration towards the situation. He asked me to arrive back the same time next day and that he'd aquaint me with somebody who would change my life. I dint Believe it, I had lost faith in everything. I was helpless. But .. .. nevertheless

I took a leap into faith and went there at the same time. Tim was waiting just as he had told me.  When I spotted him I felt an odd  kind of a tenderness. Almost like he was in tune with me. He took me to the backside of the place where I noticed  this Big man, he glared for a moment or two and then smiled I was intimidated. I knew I was in for trouble and that I had gotten into something wrong".

The whole conversation got tense.. David finally spoke.."Wha--t happened then?

"I stood my ground and was awaiting for them to kill me or shoot me. I shut my eyes  because I dint want to watch them kill me. Then this tall guy asked me to tak a seat. I was reluctant but I knew if I dint obey the commands they'd blow my head.

He then asked me "what is it that you want son"
I murmured "I don't have any money sir and my mom needs rehabilitation services. I.. I'll do anything.. I'm an honest man.."

He replied with an "How about you work for me. Im not too bad, a lil grey and cranky but this way I get what I want and you get what you want. " I couldn't get the gist of  what he wanted but I dared to ask. "What is it that.. you..would want from someone like me"..

I was taken back when I heard his response.. I still hark back to it when I'm lonely..  "A family boy. Be my son. I'll take care of you. "

My antenna couldn't quite relish it. was it a joke??or were they mocking me before they finally kill me .. I was petrified.. until he asked me if I accept his offer.
I  accepted it..upon which he asked one of his men to hand me $10k on spot. I was reluctant to take it. I said I wouldn't take any advance before I start work.

He asked me to take mom to the hospital that very night. I was thunderstruck..I didn't know bad guys did good things too.

I gathered some courage to asked him of his good name before  I took leave that night and he .replied with a "my sons call me Pops".

I was enthralled by the kindness this  rookie... I spent the cash to take my mom to the hospital, got her admitted the very same day it took her full 5 months to recover. I was spending everything I earned for her. But now she's in the best condition. And I can't thank pops enough. ”

David intervened " he seems like a an amazing person but nobody does anything just for the sake of it or for kindness.. spare me."

"He did it for his son David.. and I know you're thirsty for power and if there is anybody that will help you get that then it is him. I know that for a fact. "

David was mute. Zack was veracious about this. But it was alot for him to process and reply.

"What does he do? You never got to that part..." David suddenly realised he missed the most important part..

"We're going to see him now and you're going to find that out for yourself. "..

Author's note ❤️
Heyyo ! Who do y'all think pops is??!!!

(Any suggestions for improvement welcomed, just dm)

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