Chapter 15

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Kate dashed back home. She was unaware of the fact that her parents  were manipulating her life. It broke her heart. She couldn't imagine they'd stoop this slow. She also realised they were quick-witted and if she even tried confronting them they'd swizzle around the topic and make things worse. So she decided to ask Nadia, her only hope.

She stormed in,  Nadia was anticipating her presence. Kate was furious and needed to know the truth.

" I need to talk to you, Dia. "

"What's going on kate? Things didn't work out with David?"

"It did. Doesn't matter I need to know who's the most important person to you? "

"What do you mean?"

"Just answer me?"

"It's my mom but she's dead now. "

"So do you swear on your mother's grave that you would tell me the truth and nothing else related to whatever that I'm about to ask you?"

"I.. uh.. okay"

"Are my parents spying on me? "

"Uh.. who told you that.. I'm not sure .. "

"You swore dia. You can't go back on your word now. "

Nadia nodded her head. "But I protected you."

"You what. You never told me they were spying on my every move and  went along with it. I'm going to confront them now. "

"Kate stop, if you do that they'll replace me and get somebody that would give them the exact updates of your day and they'll also kill me for betraying them" nadia sobbed.

"Are you serious? they're my parents!?"

"Yes. I never wanted to do this to you. I love you kate. You're my bestfriend. But when I came here for the interview to be your maid, they asked me if I'd give them full report of what you do all day, I was stunned but my  mom had just passed away and my living conditions were getting worse so I took the position and reported to them everyday until.. "


"Until I realised, It was wrong to you. I was your friend and friends don't do that. So I tried protecting you by fabricating the information following which they stopped asking me for reports and hired some men to follow you around"

"So you mean.. I am under a constant watch? I mean even now? When I met David? "

"I don't think anybody noticed you leave now. But I do think they know about David and they might use him. I'm not sure, but that's your parents"

"What do you mean? "

"I think they see him as a puppet to use and control you. They've done that in the past."

"Use David. Really? How is that possible? "

"Use him to control you. They may love you and give you all kinds of gifts, but they just want you to be their puppet forever and also marry someone they want you to be with. But now with David in the picture things have changed they might know by now that you like him and could dosomething terrible to him. I'm petrified of them. I never thought I'd be telling you this but your parents are absolute degenerates. They never wanted you to feel like a normal child and always wanted you to rely on them emotionally and financially.

Kate shed a tear but she realised she had to be strong.

"What can I do. Is there a way Nadia?"

"The only way out of this is to play the player."

"What do I do? They're my parents also they're so powerful. "

"Become pop's daughter"

"I don't like that man nadia. I told you, he killed Nelson"

"Nope I don't think he did."

"I evasedropped on daddy talking to somebody on phone when I was little he said something like that.. and then I asked him some years later. He told me pops is a bad man and that he killed his own brother"

"Pops didn't kill his brother, Frekko did."

"Are you serious?!"

" Yes I'm quite sure. But it's too late. You shouldn't stay up this late your parents might suspect. I'll tell you what to do Tomorrow morning, good night kate you can trust me. "

Kate took too long to fall asleep but she finally did. Nadia was by her side till she fell asleep and slept by the side of the bed.

The first flush of morning was brighter than ever. Kate had planned her entire day with Nadia  and set off to accomplish the same. She departed from college untimely before anyone took notice of her absense, reached the destined spot now she was only waiting for him. 

Back at David's end
he was curious as to why he hadn't seen kate the entire day. But he didn't fret much and assumed she must be out at one of those parties.

He was heading back home when a kid came up to him and handed a note. He opened it and it read

"Hi.  If you need power, meet me at our city port now"

He was thinking who on earth could it  be. Was it a prank. Nevertheless he decided to find that out himself and rushed towards the port. Right after he got there he noticed kate on a huge and proud yacht. It was marvelous.

She waved at him. He felt silly for fallling into one of her silly traps and smiled to himself while getting on the yacht.

"Hey you got here sooner than expected?" Kate joked.

"Yeah that's my determination for power I guess?"

"Why am I here kate?"

"Oh we're having lunch together that's why. "

"Im not so very hungry right now."

David had got in the yacht, it was already moving and had left the shore. He was startled.

"Hey,  we're leaving the shore what the hell is going on?"

"Oh sorry we're going on a small two day trip. Just the two of us and the captain of the Yacht ofcourse"

"What? You have got to be kidding me. You can't possibly do this without my consent."

"Looks like I already did. Stop frowning and let's have lunch? What would you like?"

"You know one of these days you're really going to get me killed with your stupid little tricks " David smiled.
He didn't want to be there but it had been months no wait years since he vacationed thought it would be a good idea to loose up a little.


"Hello Mr. Richard. We can't seem to find kate around here. I think we've lost her. "

"You have till midnight. I need to know by then."

Author's note ❤️
That was a long one
What do y'all think??
Also this was a hasty chapter I hope y'all like it ❤️

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