Chapter 12

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{ just so it isn't confusing this is pops narrating how he met Nelson}

This chronicle goes way back in time approximately 15 years from now, When I was 20. I met Nelson at this same bar. I was just out and not one person let me sit with them. Downhearted, I was about to leave when Nelson waved from a corner I was startled and couldn't figure out if it was for me. Ambiguously I moved and took a seat.

I was introverted and wasn't aware as to how you strike a conversation with someone. He asked me what I wanted to drink. I replied a vodka with 3 ice.

Curious, he asked me "Why are you here?"
I replied with a just came here for drinks. That's all.

"Are you looking for a job? "

Now I briefly remember Nelson was almost my age. He was wearing these gold rings on his thumbs and a chain around his neck. Didn't seem like one of those people that actually had a job. I was curious I wanted to know more about him. I was 20 and had no friend, nobody to even share a smile with.

"I am, infact I'll be ready to do anything. "

Nelson smiled modestly and at that same exact moment I knew I was in for a long ride.

"Would you collect and deliver my sweet little packages around the city" I'll give you $2k per delivery, exquisite dinners, clothes, girls you name it. "

I was bemused. I didn't really know how to respond to that $2k gave a contrasting ring to my ears. All my life, I had worked in restaurants as the cleaning boy or washed dishes. I couldn't even earn 2k per month. It felt like a luxury and I sensed that I could trust Nelson for some reason.

"Yes I'll do it. I will do anything. "

"You wouldn't want to know what you would be delivering, aye??

" It wouldn't really matter I'll deliver anything be it food, drugs you name it. Oh and my name is Jacob.. I don't really have a last name. My parents abandoned me and I've lived on the streets most of my life and.. "

"Shut up. I don't wanna fathom the bad stuff. Tell me the good stuff.."

I thought for a moment and recalled a soothing memory I shared with a baker "okay.. when I was a kid, a baker would often give me a loaf of bread right after being baked and his name was Jacob. So I decided to call myself Jacob too. "

"See now that's a good thing.
Don't ever oversee the good things, Jake "

"You're right mister...??

"My name is Nelson. I don't have a last name either. I was brought up in an orphanage very close to this place.. I left the place at 14 and have been on my own ever since."

"Please mind me interfering .but may I how old you are?"

"I'm glad you had the courage to question me, Jake irrespective of my eerie apperance. I'm 21 Too young and too successful haha"

"Well.. I'm not afraid of anything anymore. I've got nothing to lose. I don't have a family, I have no friends, I don't even have a job. I'm lucky to have this conversation with you here. That's all I can say... You're the first person that has spoken to me with respect in years.. and even if you kill me today right now, right here I would die a happy man"

Nelson was amazed, he looked at me with his cold eyes trying to understand what I must've gone through and gulped down his drink.

From that day forward, I started working alongside him. Since I had no place to live I moved in with him in his Apartment. It had 2 rooms I slept in the living room.

I often questioned to him if he was making enough money why not shift into a bigger apartment and he responded

"The bigger the place, the lonelier you get."

We worked together. I would deliver those package for him and he would give me my share. But he never told me how much he was making and neither did I care ever care. He was my brother.

Nelson could never express what he was feeling and spoke very little about his life. But I just knew we shared the same pain somewhere in our lives.

Days, months and years passed. I was 25 and Nelson was 26. He had finally started opening up to me. I always called him Big brother and he said he wasn't my brother. But deep down he knew he wanted to be my elder brother and protect me.

Now I wasn't even trenches with the business. I just knew that I would deliver something illegal and nobody was supposed to know. That's it. Life seemed simple. But Nelson sat me down and explained the way we did things. How frekko was his boss and he got gold to the city for him and worked on commission and how I was working under frekko too. He told me that frekko was a miserable guy and wouldn't want me to be affiliated with him. I agreed.

Although I somehow gauged it was wrong. But I didn't want to leave Nelson, he was my only family. He was my brother.

Pops broke down when he said that. David was penitent, he understood how it felt to lose a loved one and wanted to know where it all went wrong. Pops continued..

And the inescapable day breezed in. It was 31st March, just about midnight when we were supposed to leave for work. I had a delivery to make. So I was getting dressed and Nelson was watching television. When 3 guys entered I barged and begin swearing and said things like..

"Where is the money. Why did you steal it tell us or die. "

I rushed outside and noticed one of the guys held Nelson by the collar and wouldn't stop hitting him. I tried to help but the rest of them held me down. I cried for help. I asked Nelson to just give them the money.

He kept saying he ain't got no money. Annoyed one of the guys shot him in the chest. They left as soon as it was done. Nelson was bleeding. He was losing pulse. I tried to reach out for the phone but before I could, he held hand and murmured

"In the closet brother"

Author's note ❤️
Geez that a sad one I suppose. Thanks for reading

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