Chapter 17

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David and kate made their ways back to Kate's home. She was anxious and thought if something happened to David she won't be able to forgive herself. But it looked like he didn't seem to care or just pretended that he didn't.

They arrived and were taken to her father's office room. David was feeling a bit of an excitement he was going to meet 'The Richard Williams' for the first time.

They entered the room and caught glimpse of him sitting in his regular seat like he always did. He was handsome with extraordinary features that were more synchronised from close, brown eyes and blonde hair. David couldn't fathom this guy was evil, he just looked so innocent  He looked at kate and gave her a soft smile. She couldn't possibly believe this was the man that was going around ruining her life.

"I see you're here with a friend. Mind introducing me to him sweety".

"He's a friend daddy. His name is David. "

"Oh... Hello David. How do you do?"

"I'm actually doing quite well sir. What about you?"

"Oh, I'm absolutely fine. I was just so perturbed. I couldn't find my only daughter for more than 24 hours. It's just something that happens to a father and to my pleasant surprise she spent the time with you. "

David could now sense the auro change. "Yes, your daughter invited me on a yacht trip which didn't last too long but ya it was fun"

Kate Smiled at David's humor. Now Richard was a smart man. He was always careful of his words so he chose to stay silent.

David continued. "Now if you're done interrogating can I leave? I have a couple of things to look after. Thank you. "  Richard's auora was just giving him a bad vibe and he wanted to leave.

"Certainly, but before that why don't we have a little chat just the two of us?"

Kate assumed if she left the room, her father could hurt David. 

"No..daddy I don't wanna leave you guys alone. Please let me stay."

"I would love for you to stay sweety but this is a man to man talk. Me and David are just gonna catch up and have a lil bit of getting to know eachother."

"Fine. Then I'll be waiting outside."

"Sure then." Kate left the room. But she decided to evasedrop from outside.

"So.. David right. May I know why you're hanging out with my daughter. "

"Yes. Because she wanted me to. Your daughter likes my company I guess. Why don't you ask her "

"Oh.. I would be careful of my tone if I were you David. You see that's my only daughter. "

"If you think you can intimidate with your silly threats then you're wrong sir. I'm not afraid of dying. "

"Hm.. confidence.. I like that. No I wouldn't kill you. Why would I kill a bright boy like you when I could use you."

"You what? "

"Yeah tell me what do you want ? "

"Power. But power to do  good not to do horrible things to people like most powerful people do. "

"Isn't that every boys dream. Sweet, kind and powerful ready to help the poor. But let me tell you something my father told me

The world only values the powerful and to become powerful you have to broaden your horizon and do things you never would. Let go of what you think is right or wrong and do what would suit the situation. Then you'll be powerful"

So please quit the nice boy act tell me who you really are. "

David was amused he didn't want to believe what his father said.
"this is me. I want power. But for the good and if you're thinking I have an interest in your daughter because she's rich you're wrong. I'm not somebody that would measure people based on their money or apperance. I think I like to go by their hearts."

"That's where you're wrong David. Now if you would've told me you like my daughter for my money. You would impress me way more. Then I'd think oh this boy could do anything for power. But I guess I just don't see the determination."

"I don't need to use people to get my way up. I'd do what I can"

"Again wrong. To use people properly is the stepping stone to success. You can't do shit yourself. "

"I don't think you're right. There sir. "

"Oh really? Let me tell you this then. I know everything about you all I had to do was just placed one call. Why because power and money talk, now don't they?.

"You don't know shit about me" .

"David Parker. Age 19. Goes to same college as my daughter. Lives in a small house with his mother. His father unknown. Walks back home. Drives a shit car, leads a shallow life thinks he could get power by being one of "pops sons" wanna know anything else? "

David was stunned. "You don't know shit about pops he's a nice man. "

"Oh pops. Interesting character. I remember how I got his brother killed. It was a delight. " Richard laughed monstrously.

"Why would you do that. " David screamed.

"Because I don't like cheaters, David. I play bad and fair. That's not how it works with me. Oh but he did get back at me by killing my main that made me sad."

David laughed. " Well he got you good. People like you have no principles and live just to exert power on others and that's what I hate about people like you. You could do thousands of good deeds but you would do that one bad deed and ruin everyone's lives."

"Me a man without principles. Haha. Well I don't think a lowlife like you would understand. But coming to the point work for me I'll pay you double than what pops pays and also I  think I would let kate hangout with you. "

"Me working for you. Sir I know you can move the world on your whims but I think I'm going to have to put my foot down and refuse your very tempting offer."

"Well.. now that you've refused I don't think I have a choice. See you David good day to you. "

David didn't know what he meant by I don't have a choice. But he was glad it was over.

He came out and saw kate almost teary. He knew she had overhead the entire conversation and he just sighed reminiscing how her father really was. This man was a lifeless mean selfish roach.

"see you at college kate."

"Oh do you mind staying for lunch? "

"I would love to but I don't think your dad would like me staying back. "

Richard came out
"oh no I would love that David. Why don't you stay for lunch".

Kate and David were lingering in the garden area. When David recieved a call.. it was from Tim he wondered why he was calling now .

"It's about pops. somebody shot him.. "

Author's note ❤️
How did y'all like Richard's character 😍 please tell me in the comments 😍❤️

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