Chapter 1

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Gay Lord created a group chat.

Fluke joined using the group link.

Max joined using the group link.

Off joined using the group link.

Saint joined using the group link.

Mew joined using the group link.

Earth joined using the group link.

Prem joined using the group link.

Win joined using the group link.

Earth: what is this situation?

Plan joined using the group link.

Gulf joined using the group link.

Tay joined using the group link.

Fluke @Earth sis what's going on?

Gun joined using the group link.

Earth: @Fluke sis I don't know. Is this some kind of a sick joke?

Kao joined using the group link.

Bright joined using the group link.

Zee joined using the group link.

Off left the chat room.

Mean joined using the group link.

Tul joined using the group link.

Boun joined using the group link.

Ohm joined using the group link.

New joined using the group link.

Off joined using the group link.

Off: y do I keep on coming here?

Off used his first chance.

Off is typing...

GayLord: Rule no.1 You can only leave the group three times. If you deplete your chances you'll face the consequence.

Off left the chatroom.

Off used his second chance.

Off joined using the group link.

Off: tf is going on?

GayLord is typing...

Gun: papi wait. Don't leave again. Let's see where this is going.

Mean: are you seriously suggesting we stay here? I'm out ✌🏻.

Mean left the group chat.

Mean used his first chance.

Mean joined using the group link.

Bright: why are you leaving the group and coming back in? Are you undecided?

Mean: I didn't even join the group to begin with. I'm being added against my will.

Kao: well it says you joined using the group link so you're not making any sense. No offense.

Mean: none taken. But did you click on the link to join the group?

Kao: touché

GayLord: Welcome to Do or Die.

Tay: alright this is becoming creepy😠

Off left the chatroom.

Off depleted his chances.

GayLord: Now watch and learn.

New: link attached look what I found just now.

Gun: Nooo

Tay: is it true?

New: @Tay is that even a question?

Tay: I'm just curious

Max: wow

Tul: wow is right.

Zee: so @Tay did you get the reply yet?

Tay: I'm still waiting🙇🏻‍♂️

New: you guys can't be joking on this

Tay: we are genuinely curious if the article is true.

Gun: it's not.

GayLord is typing...


Tul: @Mew Bro you got any idea what's going on?



GayLord: Gun you either save your partner or die together.

Gun: this is not fun whoever you are.

Gaylord: Rule no.2 if I ask you a question you must answer within 5 minutes.

Saint: Is this a reality show?

Plan: Did you sign the contract?

Saint:🤔what's your deal?

Plan: I was genuinely curious.

Saint: 🙄

Gun has 2 minutes remaining

Gun: you're fucked up!!

Tul:😬I don't think you should've said that.

Tay: it's kinda true tho🙊

New: Tay!

Gun depleted his chances.

GayLord removed OffGun

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