Chapter 8

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Plan: tell us.

Mew: you can be attracted to someone when you just see them walking in the street. When you spend a day or just a few hours with them you might realize that they are not your ideal type personality-wise and that makes you rethink your attraction to them. Next time you see them in the street you just look away.

Plan: in conclusion Bright's personality sucks.

Win: not what I said.

Mean: Plan.

Plan: what? I'm just concluding it.

Singto: what's the conclusion?

Plan: Bright is sexually confused and Win was turned off by Bright.

Fluke: I'd rate that conclusion 1out of 10

Earth: I'm surprised it got a 1.

Plan: it's the truth.

Singto: more confessions, please😌

Tay: the fact that we are confessing because Gaylord said so is troubling.

Plan: isn't it what you wanted?

New: @Plan stop it.

Plan: let's go to MewGulf

Tay: I think we know everything there is to know about these two.

Plan: I have a question. What happened to MewArt?

Gulf: MewGulf happened.

Mew: case closed🔒

Mean: one was confident in the closet gay, the other one panicked deep in the closet not coming out ever gay.

Plan: talk about drama.

Singto: so, what happened?

Plan: Mew chupped Art and Art went live.

Earth: Art is nowhere to be found 😔

Fluke: Have you heard of something called wanjaai?

Earth: those humans are vicious.

Krist: @fluke what is that?

Fluke: MewGulf shippers.

Plan: they roasted the victim until he became the perpetrator.

Earth: do you mean penetrator?

Win: 😂😂😂😂 @penetrator

Prem:🤣🤣🤣 penetrator tho.

Fluke: girlfriend lets 🔎📱 before we type.

Mean: @ Plan it's wrong to label them like that. Both were wrong in their doings.

Plan: Art was wronged more. it's wrong to just kiss people.

Gulf: @Plan if Mean kisses you, will you go live?

Mean: @ plan👂🏻

Plan: no, I won't.

Gulf: you've kissed plenty of times during your shoots. You made out and used tongue and one more innocent kiss shouldn't have hurt.

Krist: I understand where you are coming from but there was nothing innocent about that kiss.

Gulf: but it was just one.

Krist: one without the cameras.

Gulf: the difference?

Krist: the last kiss didn't have a purpose.

Bright: @krist I beg to differ.

Earth: me too. It's more like the last kiss had a meaning and it was real.

Bright: @Earth exactly.

Singto: but it's still wrong to do it when the other person did not say yes.

New: are you saying it's ok to out someone in the name of clearing your name?

Boun: there was no need to clear any name. I mean all those kisses on what the duck.

Gaylord has added Art.

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