Chapter 5

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Earth: Season 3 loading

Fluke: sis it's like a marathon.

Perth: what's going on?

Tay: if you want your singing and acting career to not go down the drain start answering our questions.

Ohm: I don't agree with the tone coming out but he is right.

Perth left the group.

GayLord added Perth.

Perth has two last chances remaining.

Mean: @Perth man don't leave the group. There's a psycho controlling us.

Plan: I know you're right but duuuude you have one last chance remaining.

Mean: you can save me.

Plan: I ain't saving you.

Perth: seriously what's going on?

Plan: we have questions that need answers.

Perth: ask away.

Max: what happened between you and Saint.

Perth: nothing.

Mean: the thing is you've got to be as truthful as possible.

Perth: nothing happened.

Prem: I have a pressing question though.

Boun: please be respectful.

Prem: 😊ok

Tul: can y'all stop flirting whilst we are doing business.

New: so the question

Prem: so how come management started fighting and the actors had no idea about it.

Mew: what did management fight about? Let's start there.

Plan: Perth's management released false news about Saint.

Prem: my question is how can management do all this alone?

New: he has a point.

Mew: I know everything that's happening with the management.

Gulf: yours is a different case.

Earth: yeah you have a studio so it doesn't count.

Ohm: you're the CEO so definitely doesn't count

Mew: ok.

Kao: but still how can management do all this without Perth knowing anything when he was going to be involved in the issue.

Perth: are you all assuming I had a hand in it.

Prem: we are just curious how it all went about.

Perth: I don't know ok.

Boun: not even when they were planning false rumors?

Fluke: now that you've said it, it does seem suspicious.

Perth: there is nothing there. Not all celebrities know what goes on with management.

Gulf: it's crazy how p' Mew knows everything about his management team yet Perth didn't know what his manager was doing.

Zee: why didn't you say anything though?

Max: good question.

Perth: what did you want me to say?

Zee: tell the truth.

Perth: I didn't have any power to do so.

Zee: you are the celebrity of course you had the power. He is your employee. You could have easily fired him and calmed the rumors down. The fact that you didn't do anything whilst your partner was going through all that really says something.

Fluke: True.

Tul: he could've just said it's false or at least it's a misunderstanding.

Zee: right. But not saying anything is like acknowledging that it's true.

Perth: that was not the case.

Saint: what was the case?

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