Chapter 10

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Gulf: you should've tried harder. When you felt uncomfortable with his touches you should've told him to stop. But you went along with it. It was all fun and games when you were flirting in front of the cameras for the fans but got sour the moment the cameras were not there? We all see actors who do fan services without affection or less physical contact. You should've drawn the line then like they all do. 

Max: wow

Tul: wow is right.

Saint: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Ohm: well said.

Earth: 😢I'm suddenly getting emotional

Fluke: @Gulf Facts 💯

New: in addition, if he knew he was going to kiss you he probably didn't say yo dude come let's hang. He probably used you know that voice.

Earth: ooooh the voice

Fluke: we know the voice so well.

Prem: was it a swift kiss or he slowly leaned in.

Boun: points to consider.

Fluke: I like this analysis.

Earth: it makes sense.

Ohm: it's not like a person can do a swift kiss without showing his intentions.

Earth: I don't think p'Mew is the one to do swift kisses.

Saint: I second that.

Fluke: he is more likely to hold hands or shoulders first before kissing someone.

Prem: Right. Which gave Art time to avoid the kiss.

Plan: I feel like he should've just moved away when Mew came to sit next to him.

Tay: taking all the raised points into consideration, it's safe to conclude that Art knew what was going on before he got kissed.

Art: I didn't know seriously and going live was the last option for me.

Earth: did you go live after the kiss or a few days later.

Fluke: good question.

Bright: y'all are relentless.

Win: they need to know.

Boun: hahaha the question though.

Prem: true though. If it bothered him so much he should've gone live after coming back from Mews house.

Kao: he was thinking.

Saint: that makes your sexuality and intentions questionable.

Art: are you saying it's ok for someone you call p to just kiss you without asking first.

Plan: if all the people you kissed without asking first went live you would have probably made a record.

Zee: who asks permission for a kiss in this era

Art: are you justifying it?

Singto: @Zee that sounds wrong.

Gulf: it's not like he kissed you in front of people. You told us he kissed you when we were minding our own business.

Tay: word!

Plan: wait. Did the kiss even happen?

Singto: have you seen Mew?

Max: what about Mew?

Singto: it's very much possible that the kiss happened.

Plan: there was no proof whatsoever that the kiss happened. If this case was to go to the police for defamation of character, I'm sure Art would have been found guilty.

Art: what?

Mean: he is saying there was proof of you going live talking shit about Mew yet we only have your word that the kiss happened.

Art: y'all are toxic people with bad attitudes. The society is suffering because of people like you. The mentality you have is unfair and it makes people who have been wronged not to come out and saying anything. Would you react the same to someone who has been raped? Because you are saying it's ok that happened to me because I went to his house. You are saying it's ok it happened because I was kissed against my will. You are saying it's ok it happened because I didn't report it sooner. You don't think I was affected enough by what happened? I was contemplating on what to do. He is someone respected and I thought he was my p. What did you want me to do? You don't think I considered all facts before going live? One day it's going to be your sister or brother or child in my shoes and we'll see then if you'll ask all these stupid unnecessary questions.

Art Left the group. 

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