Chapter 29

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Singto: feelings and expectations are real in this world too. So everyone is justified to feel wronged or hurt because we all have expectations from our partners. If they go over those expectations we get hurt and again if they don't meet those expectations we get hurt too.

Max: exactly.

Bright: makes sense.

Saint: not meeting the expectations is better than going over

Krist: let's hear your fight

Tul: so people have decided to make confessions part 2 about fights.

Fluke: we have confessed already what more does he want us to confess.

Earth: @Saint what happened?

Saint: he kissed me when we were not supposed to be kissing.

Zee: you didn't push me away

Saint: excuse me.

Zee: when I kissed you. You kissed me back.

Saint: I was caught up in the moment.

Krist: so in this case Saint is the one panicking?

Earth: 🙄 with how much you kissed in the your drama I'm surprised you are panicking now.

Fluke: if it was a kiss after blowing then I would be mad too.
Earth: it's romantic though.

Singto: ok now you feel offended but you didn't see what was wrong when Art felt wronged by the same thing.

Saint: I know how it feels now.

Tul: again I'm not sure if you are all serious or are just playing with us.

Fluke: 🤗🤗 now I have a question to MewGulf how are people going to assume your assignment is tharntype 2?

Mew: well someone got in character.

New: how?

Ohm: that's not sounding good.

Prem: wait what happened?

Earth: now this is the real tea I was waiting for.

Mew: Nong moaned Tharns name during ours.

Boun: 😱

Max: wow

Tul: wow is right.

Krist: I'm trying to come up with an excuse for Gulf but I can't find one.

Prem: I don't how how to feel about this.

Kao: it's like a copping mechanism of some sort. I think you should understand.

Earth: there is nothing to understand there.

Mean: I do understand why he did that.

Plan: do tell us why

Mean: @Singto mentioned earlier that doing this stuff in your head doesn't sound bad but actually doing it because a crazy man said so is terrifying. Gulf was just trying to ease his mind thinking that he is shooting

Ohm:again the talk of pride and ego comes back

Earth : I mean after all they've been through why is he struggling to have sex now.

Plan: you're a gay boy so you wouldn't understand the struggles of a confused man.

Earth: is he not gay or atleast bi?

Mean: he broke up with his girlfriend the moment he started shooting.

Fluke: Which makes him bi right?

Win: I'm surprised by how much you
normalized MewGulf having sex.

Krist: true no one is surprised or reacting to the fact that they had sex.

Earth: to put it bluntly they acted an adult short movie.

Win: lol because there was Tharn's name involved.

Prem: I mean they do a lot on camera so it's safe to assume they do much more without cameras.

Fluke: everyone pretty much assumes they are in a relationship so it's nothing new

Plan: I see.

Zee: ok I think we are done here.

Saint: shouldn't we hear what they have to say.

Fluke: obviously Mew is sulking because his ego was bruised. I mean I understand the struggles but I would be turned off if that happened during sex

Ohm: not that we're going to have sex.

Fluke: oh don't be so sure.

Earth: you'll regret saying that @P'Ohm.

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