Chapter 9

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Gaylord has added Art.

Tul: wow it's going down

Max: 😯

Plan: @Art can you please tell us what happened between you and Mew?

Art: why should I and what's going on here?

Plan: If Gaylord added you then it's in your best interest to answer our questions.

Ohm: I don't agree with the diction used but Plan is right.

Krist: OffGun is trending.

Art: what does that have to do with me?

Boun: just answer the question if you don't want your career to be like OffGun's.

Art: what was the question.

Plan: scroll up.

Saint: no need to be rude.

Mean: the question was what happened between you and Mew.

Art: who doesn't know about the story.






Plan: ok ok. Everyone doesn't know it.

Art: what do you want to know exactly?

Max: why did you go live?

Tul: how about we start with why you went to Mews house to get kissed.

Ohm: 🤭🤭

Plan: Good question.

Singto: no it's not. That's like asking a kid why they went to their uncle's house to get raped.

Art: I thought he wanted to hangout.

Fluke: hangout at night?

Earth: just the two of you?

Saint: alone?

Art: yes. That's what I thought.

Gulf: would you assume the same if a girl invited you to her house at night?

New: That's a good question.

Tay: @Gulf is that a Type Puifai reference?

Gulf: idc whatever you think but let's be realistic here. If a girl invites you to her house at night knowing she lives alone would you go with that mindset?

Plan: I like how Gulf is involved in this conversation.

Mean: not now Plan.

Art: is it safe to assume that whenever we see you at Mews house you'll be getting kissed.

Zee: I think it is very much safe to assume that.

Art: we were friends, we were shooting a drama together so I didn't think that far.

Mew: I thought I showed you what I wanted from you.

Art: if you're talking about fan service then you're wrong.

Mew: it was never just that with me.

Art: then you should've told me first. Why did you have to push me like that? Why did you have to involve my family and work into your feelings?

Win: that's harsh.

Art: no let me say it. My life has been greatly affected because of this. Because you couldn't control your feelings when clearly we were working.

Gulf: you ruined your life the moment you clicked the live button on Instagram.

Art: what did you want me to when he was taking things online too?

Gulf: You should've talked to him.

Art: you don't think I tried?

Gulf: you should've tried harder. When you felt uncomfortable with his touches you should've told him to stop. But you went along with it. It was all fun and games when you were flirting in front of the cameras but got sour the moment the cameras were not there? We all see actors who do fan services without affection or physical contact, you should've drawn the line then like they all do.

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