Chapter 25

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Gaylord: Welcome to Do or Die

Gaylord: Confessions Part II

Max: I'm tired of this.

Plan: Gaylord read my mind.

Tul: you gave him ideas.

Plan: not my fault I sense things that you don't sense.

Mean: maybe you shouldn't have sensed things to begin with.

Plan: excuse me.

Mean: you shouldn't have said anything. Now this is going to last forever.

Plan: are you putting this on me now?

Mean: this time it's kinda your fault. I agree with them.

Plan: what's your problem?

Mean: I don't have a problem I'm just being honest.

Krist: I sense a fight.

Max: let's start with MeanPlan

Plan: I don't have anything to confess.

Mean: I do.

Saint: this is fun.

Singto: I don't think so.

Plan: go ahead and confess

Mean: now that I think about it, it's more like a confrontation.

Bright: should we do it in our inbox

New: they are doing it instead of confessions so it should be here

Ohm: go ahead @Mean

Plan: if it's about what happened during the assignment then please stop.

Win: this death sentences are going to ruin people.

Mew: already did.

Gulf: p'Mew.

Earth: MewGulf it's not your turn yet.

Saint: I see many people altered their death sentences to their liking.

Zee: Nong I said I'm sorry.

Krist: ok a lot of conversations are going on how about we let MeanPlan finish their confrontation.

Mean: I have one question for you

Tul: is this going to happen for real?

Boun: let them.

Earth: let's hear it

Mean: why did you do that?

Singto: that's a question half of the people are going to answer in this group.

Earth: exactly.

Plan: I was following what the death sentence said.

Mean: it didn't say that.

Saint: alright if you're going to be doing this please be clear and don't leave us with questions

Fluke: true. That's so vague.

Mean: why did you kiss me like that?

Earth: 🙄🙄seriously?

Plan: that was our assignment

Bright: what did the assignment say exactly.

Plan: open mouth kiss your partners whole body.

Prem: So what's the problem?

Earth: plan did not open his mouth. That's why Mean is mad.

Plan: I did. I opened my mouth. Gaylord has the videos.

Mean: you went too far and I tried to stop you but you didn't.

Plan: I told you we had to make it as legit as possible

Mean: but there was no need to go that far

Plan: ok it's my fault for trying to save you

Mean: I never asked you to save me.

Plan left the group. 

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