Chapter 28

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Krist: comeon

Singto: I have my concerns too about what happened during ours.

Earth: was Krist's hand too small?

Singto: I don't have a problem with his hands.

Krist: then what was the problem?

Singto: you didn't even look at me during all that.

Earth: 😂😂😂

Tay: ok are you all for real or you're just tripping.

Krist: @Singto I was embarrassed.

Singto: I was too but I looked at you.

Saint: So this is your fight?

Singto: I was hurt

Win: exactly how I'm feeling right now.

Krist: p'Sing you know how shy I get.

Singto: I know. I also know how disgusted you felt doing our assignment.

Krist: it was my first time being like that with a guy.

Singto: I understand. It was mine too but I just expected you to act better

Krist: I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry about that.

Max: this is what I call a mature argument.

Fluke: I second that.

New: are they done already?

Tay: do you want them to go on?

New: I bet you dont want that right.

Mew: is this another fight going on?

Tul: let them

Tay: what's that supposed to mean @New

New: oh I guess you don't remember what you were saying when you were drunk.

Tay: I don't.

Singto: what did he say?

New: he used to like you before

Tay: who is that you again?

New: Singto

Tay: I said that when I was drunk?

Bright: this alcohol has caused problems too.

Krist: @New you seriously can't be bothered by that.

Ohm: its an issue of pride and ego getting hurt.

New: exactly.

Fluke: 😔

New: what do you think I feel right now knowing Tay has someone else in his heart.

Tay: that was before. Not now.

New: I know we are just ships but it just hurts for a minute. It bruised my pride as a friend and ship partner.

Fluke: p'Ohm I like you as a ship and as a friend. I thought I should make it clear.

Earth: what about p'Kao?

Fluke: I admire him.

Ohm: it's ok I understand.

Saint: but why would Ohm get hurt when he has a girlfriend

Singto: it's a matter of pride as highlighted above.

Max: I think it should be clear that this world is a world of its own. When we are in this world we don't bring up real world things or mix them together.

Plan: doesn't that make it fake?

Prem: it's not fake. It's just unique.

Saint: it's not fake because things happen.

Gulf: it all includes our acting out fan meetings and everything we do as work so it's definitely not fake.

Win: exactly, things are as real in this world as they are in the real world.

Tul: interesting.

Singto: feelings and expectations are real in this world too. So everyone is justified to feel wronged or hurt because we all have expectations from our partners. If they go over those expectations we get hurt and again if they don't meet those expectations we get hurt too.

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