Chapter 2

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                 Gun depleted his chances.

         OffGun has been removed from the group.

New: link attached😨

Ohm: why do you have all these links?

Mew : wondering the same.

New: they are coming in my inbox


Tul: why are they coming in your inbox?


Tay: is there anything you would like to tell us?

New: what are you insinuating?

Plan: he is asking if you're behind all this?

Tay: not really like that but maybe something along those lines


          Krist joined using the group link

          Singto joined using the group link.

Bright: @KristSingto You shouldn't have clicked whatever it is you clicked.

Krist: why are you all here?

Tay: link copied. First of all you've got to see this.

New: TAY!

Ohm: are we not going to talk about this article and it's pictures?

Max: there are pictures?

Tul: if you find them @Max, please put them here.

Max: @Tay would you like to help me here?

Tay: Gladly😁.

Prem: this is like watching a reality show except from texting.

Plan: isn't it more like reading? Coz you're reading.

Saint: why are you in peoples faces?

Plan: you're the advocate for all these people now?

Fluke: @Earth 🍿

Earth: girl you're late. I'm halfway done with mine.

Saint: @Mean would you like to leave the group again?

Mean: I would love to.

Plan: don't you dare 😤 you already left once and have two chances remaining.

Singto: what is going on?

Bright: what you need to know is that there are two rules.

Tay: picture inserted.

Tay: picture inserted.

Tay: picture inserted.

Mew: 😱

Win: Is it them?

Gulf: 😮

Plan: what's with MewGulf and emojis?

Boun: Go on their Instagram and you'll know.

Singto: @Bright we are still waiting for the two rules.

Bright: oh about that.

Ohm: so is that article true?

Plan: wow you are so concerned about the article.

Ohm: their careers are going down the drain with those articles.

Plan: @Ohm are you close friends?

Fluke: @Plan chill, we are all worried.

Max: for real their careers might end because of that.

Tul: it's worrying because it has been read 5000 times already.

Krist: what did the article say?

Tay: the first one said Off was found doing drugs. The second one said Gun was with Off that night. I just posted the pictures.

New: it's just their backs and not clear enough.

Mew: the media is vicious and won't even look at the pictures to confirm. If it's not true they'll just creat their own clear pictures to get some news.

Plan: spoken like someone who has experience in scandals. 

Gulf: @Plan backoff!

Plan: they speak😝.

Saint: don't mind him. He's on his man period.

Fluke: haha man period.

Earth: I died @ Man period. 🤣🤣

Ohm: are we not going to talk about why we are in here?

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