Chapter 6

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Perth: I was scared too ok. It all happened so fast and I didn't know what to do. If the man could do something like that to another person imagine what he would've done to me. He knows everything there is to know about me. Fighting with him would have ended my career. Not because I have something to hide but because he could've come up with lies and provide fake evidence. Don't act like you trust your managers 100 percent. These people literally have our lives in our hands.

Plan: Exactly.

Saint: I thought you were going to come to me off cameras. I thought behind the flashes you were going to offer me support or atleast explain what was going on but I never heard from you again. I thought we were friends too but I guess I was wrong.

Zee: you don't deserve such friends.

Perth: I'm sorry it happened that way.

Zee: that sorry is way overdue. I'm beginning to think that was a front you guys did to leave Saint out.

Perth: why would you say that?

Zee: you and Mean came out saying you're leaving the bl world and all of a sudden we see a PerthMark hashtag trending.

Ohm: aaaw

Perth: I changed my mind ok.

Zee: good timing. I'll give you that.

Saint: is that what it was?

Perth: No.

Zee: N'Saint had to face your angry fans whilst you were keeping your mouth shut. Now that PerthMark is here no one is saying anything against you. It's just unfair.

Max: wow

Tul: wow is right.

New: the world is cruel

Tay: am I part of the world?

New: when I said world I was talking about you.


Ohm: it's really scary out there.

New: I now understand Perth a little bit why didn't the LBC team address the issue. Did they drop Saint just because of the rumors?

Tay: good question.

Zee: they are all shitty people.

Mean: excuse me?

Zee: yes you all are. You could have come up with a solution for this. Isn't this why we have workshops?

Plan: did you want us to get caught up in the crossfire.

Zee: don't even start with me @Plan. You showed us already you like Perth more

Plan: no I didn't say that.

Zee: whatever it is you were trying to prove.. This just shows how f*cked up you all are.

Singto: things are getting personal.

Mean: I'm not going to respond to that.

Saint: p'Zee thank you.

Tay: 'for saying what was on my mind'

New: TAY!

Krist: 😂😂😂

Tay: it was an unfinished sentence.

Boun: you did well.

Gaylord has removed Perth.

Krist: he served his purpose well.

Tul: I don't regret joining this group after all.

Fluke: @ZeeSaint, MewGulf, MaxTul have you ever gotten a boner whilst shooting your kiss scenes?

Zee: hard not to.

Saint: 🤔 are you confessing something

Max: it's natural

Tul: 🤔 are you confessing something?

Mew: it's easy getting a boner, after all, it's actual kisses.

Gulf: 🤔are you confessing something?

Mew: 😑

Plan: BrightWin can't relate.

Earth: more like the rest of us can't relate.

Fluke: Sis I want kisses like those in my next series.

Earth: I don't know why they haven't given us such kisses when we root for the team.

Fluke: Right.

Ohm: can I act together with you in that next series?

Fluke: 🤔are you confessing something?

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