Chapter 4

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Do or Die Group

Gaylord: picture attached.


Gulf: 😶





Ohm: @TayNew was this you?

Gaylord is typing...

Tay: come on guys I don't know what's happening too.

New: for real.

Mean used his second chance.

Mean: what??

Plan: I ain't saving you

Mew: @Gulf I would save you any day

Mean: what did I even do?

Kao used his first chance.

Win: @Mean. I think you suggested going to the police

Kao: 🤦🏻‍♂️ I created another group.

Bright: how did gaylord get a screenshot of our secret group?

Plan:TayNew gave them duh

New: for real we did not.

Plan: speak for yourself.

New: I did not.

Tay: neither did I.

New: check the screenshot. We were not part of this conversation.

Tul: confirmed.

Earth: does this mean we have a moll.

Win: a what now?

Fluke: what is a moll?

Saint: it's spelled mole.

Plan: ⚰️ @moll

Tul:😂😂😂 @moll

Prem: no offense but🤣🤣🤣🤣

Gaylord is typing...

Fluke: am I the only one who gets nervous when gaylord is typing?

Gulf: no you are not.

Bright: we all do.

GayLord: It's  Confession time.

Ohm: uhmm

Fluke: ?????

Plan: TayNew should go first.

Mean: @Plan stop it.

Bright: what are we confessing?

Mew: our sins?

Boun: are we catholic now?

Max: what do Catholics do?

Earth: they do a weird cross on their bodies.

Plan: 🙄 answer the question dummy.

Kao: @Plan Hey!

Mean: @Kao I'm sorry man he's just a lot.

Kao: he sure is.

Fluke: How do you survive being partnered with such a person though?

Mean: he isn't like that with me.

Max: why is he like that with saint? Didn't you guys act the same series?


Earth: Plan is team PerthSaint

Zee: 👀

Fluke: then isn't he supposed to hate Zee not Saint.

Zee: they don't even have right after everything they did.

Tul: Was Plan involved in the fight?

Prem: can they confess since gaylord said it's confession time.

Plan: I have nothing to confess concerning that matter.

Saint: well I do.

Fluke: 🎥 🍿 season 2 @Earth you ready sis.

Earth: more like 📽🍿. I'm there with you.

Krist: what really happened?

Singto: wasn't the fight between managers only?

Prem: it came down to actors.

Max: PerthSaint looked cute together though.

Tul: I'm team ZeeSaint the chem is 🔥

Mew: I'm team ZeeSaint too.

Boun: me too.

Saint: me too.

Zee: 🥰

Krist: are we done with Perth Saint story.

Singto: they are no longer friends.

GayLord added Perth

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