Chapter 15~A ride home

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ok so, idk but i like reading sad depressing stuff, i can somewhat relate to some of it (no need to worry, i've been better lately), and i always end up crying, idk why i keep reading that sad shit but
it is what it is.

ALSO i need friends on here!! comment and we can start up a convo! :)

it's currently 1:15am while writing this so it may be shit,

i mayyy re-write chapter 1, it's so,
it's embarrassing to read it myself, sorry that you all had to read that-

I have a question for this story, do you all want more angst/drama in this? oh and don't forget about her dad, heh.

ok since youre here for the story, here it is!


Hinatas POV

We go into security, and did the usual,
put down our carry-ons, take off our shoes and coat, and walk through the sensor(or whatever the heck you call it)

we proceeded to walk to our boarding area, waiting for our section to be called up.

'Area 1-15 may board'
(idk lol)

That repeated in a few other different languages as well, (i'd say it in french but do i really want to use my brain and translate that, no.)

"Thats us, grab your bags"


We headed over to the flight attendant whom checked out passports and stamped our tickets,

"hm, Hinata and Davi, have a safe flight."

i was kinda freaked out how she knew our names (technically last name for hinata), but of course i'm dumb and forgot that it's on our passports.

We walked down this long hallway, making our way down to board the plane, 2 flight attendants greeted us on the way on, 1 male and 1 female, they gave us this nice big warming smile. Davi and i had played 1 game of uno-the winner getting to sit in the middle seat. Out of luck, i won, so i gladly sat next to the window giving a smirk,

"ahh this seat is sooo comfy, it even has a window next to it"

I said in a mocking tone out of spite, Davi of course just eyed me, then ignored.


A few layover and flights later, we're here in Tokyo! It's mid-afternoon, my stomach growled-basically begging for food.

"mm daviii i'm soo hungryy"

I begged him for food, until he agreed, he lead me to the cafeteria, i just ordered my favourite, meatbuns! (GAH IM SO SORRY IF THATS WRONG! idk why but i forget what the name of the food!)
I was absolutely stuffed! that was exactly what i needed!

"ah! that was so yummy! you are missing out!"

"i'm sure i'm not."

"yes you are!"



" N O"

"yes, and that's final."

"i'm sure i'm not, anyways let's just head back to my apartment, i'm home-sick."


We had already picked up our luggage, and paid for everything, all we needed was a cab to drive us home, too bad for us it was rush-hour, so not many were available.

"Hey! i have a friend who could pick us up! let me just call them!"

"alright, don't spam them annoyingly tho."

"uh huh"

I dialled his contact into my phone, and proceeded to type,

Hey! i was wondering if you could pick up me and my cousin up at the airport? it's alright if you can't! i don't want to be a burden.

and hit send.

I slipped my phone into my pocket,

Ding! 1 new message.

hm wasn't expecting him to answer that quick,

Hi! Oh and of course i can pick you guys up! i'll be there in 15.

"Good news, we have a ride!"

"okay, did you thank them?"

"don't worry i will!"

Since he was coming in 15minutes me and davi headed to sit down at an open bench, it was loud and noisy, people talking, announcements being told, childs crying, honestly everything you could think of was being heard. I took a deep breath hoping he would show up any second.

I glance up from my feet and towards the door, i see a familiar face,
I run towards him and embrace him into a hug,




Any idea of who it is? ;)

also sorry i tried to write the texting scene, it just looks messy.

ANYWAYS i hope you had an amazingggg day!

768 words.

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