Chapter one/

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Shuichi Saihara had finally finished college, after two years of schooling, he was a genius and he knew it, but he was humble and did not show off.
The nineteen year old applied to work at the Danganronpa Asylum, the name was created by the founder Junko Enoshima, who went insane and killed herself and her older sister.
Shuichi went strait from the graduation to the interview.
For being so young he impressed everyone, most envied him and his brains, but that didn't bother the male in the slightest.
He had graduated top of his classes all of his life and seemed like the perfect fit for the job, well one job inparticular. They hired him on the spot and was told to be into work at seven thirty five a.m. sharp. He agreed as fast as he could, knowing this was a great opportunity for himself.
On his was out he noticed a hall with only one room. He wanted to investigate but decided against it, it might ruin his chances. Though the male couldn't help but as to be curious as to just what was behind that door, down that long hallway with one room.
Maybe just a small peek could satisfy his curiosity. He peeked down the hall but only saw a room. He sighed, giving up, then went home.
He thought about his old job, he had also been working as a teachers assistance for two years, he had ended things off two weeks ago.
Yesterday was his last day working, so he had his own apartment for about a year.
He soon fell asleep and had dreamt about the hallway, never being able to get through the door and only running to it, He had a most reached the handle but the dream ended as he opened that single door.
Meanwhile at the asylum a pail boy with violet eyes and deep purple hair was smirking. His nurse had smacked him and yelled at him which made him yelp and whimper.
"You are going to be getting a new nurse tomorrow, so don't fuck it up! I'm sick of dealing with your shit Oma. Just stop being an annoyance, you little bitch." The man yelled at the seventeen year old who started to sob uncontrollably, damned bipolar disorder.
"I-I d-didn't do a-anything! I sh-shouldn't even b-be here! I n-never killed m-my mom! Why c-can't you guys j-just let me out?" Kokichi cried as he struggled in his restraints. He was smack again then he look at the ground and bursted out into a sick laughter.
His nurse backed up a bit.
"But if you keep hitting me I will be a killer, nishishi!" The purple haired boy then snapped his head up towards the so called nurse, a look of pure anger in his eyes and a smirk plastered on his face.
"Whatever you fucking freak. I hate this job and you, I'd kill you if I could bitch." The nurse spat on the boy then left.
Kokichi gagged and threw up in disgust, the medics soon came in and comforted the boy who broke into sobs, he not only had borderline personality disorder, but he had an eating disorder, insomnia, and post traumatic stress disorder. Kokichi also had a horrible fear of saliva.
Oma screamed about how they should treat him like a person, and not a toy. He then went on to talk about how illegal it is to abuse patients.
He was changed into a new straitjacket and camisoles. He then had a muzzle put on him to get him to shut up. He then tried to argue but it was muffled.
They grabbed the stuffed rabbit that was next to his bed then put it in his bed. They then put him in the bed next to the toy.
The bipolar boy calmed down instantly and somehow managed to get the rabbit between his arms and chest, but after years of practice it isn't to shocking.
The poor boy fell asleep and waited for the next day, hoping the new nurse at least wouldn't spit on him. He shivered at the thought.
He then dreamt about the boy he saw who stopped and looked into the hall. He dreamt that the boy would talk to him and hear him out. Little did he know that this dream may be his reality.
In the dream they had Kokichi's straps undone, it was calm, they talked and played games like chess together.
The beautiful boy with navy hair had decided Kokichi was telling the truth, and that he wasn't crazy, just had a few quirks. Kokichi couldn't be more grateful.
Meanwhile Shuichi was in his bed, to curious to sleep. When he looked into that hall he couldn't see anyone, but he felt like someone from in there was watching him from the shadows.
"I hope my patient's like me..." The soon to be nurse smiled slightly to himself. His mind drifted from topic to topic as he lay in his bed, curled up and chuckled.
"Yeah, tomorrow will be a good day! I wonder how many patients I get to help.." Shuichi smiled to himself before drifting off into dreamland.
Shuichi dreamed of a beautiful boy, with beautiful violet hair, a laugh that was sweet and savory in it's sound. A boy with eyes deep in thought.
Kokichi Ouma. A simple name yet the only thing encompassing Shuichi's dreamland as he lumbered. Shuichi had dreamt of playing games with this boy.
As he slept he didn't realize that he'd end up meeting his dream boy, but what if it wasn't as it seemed?...

I Love a Psycho (SaiOma) (Completed But Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now