Chapter three/

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The next morning Kokichi woke up and was forced to take his medications. He forced himself to cry as he struggled trying not to take the bitter pills. When he opened his mouth the doctors put the pills in his mouth.
He was fine taking his pills most days, but some days he'd just get scared and start freaking out. They gave him water, he threw the glass at the wall and glared at the doctor. "Panta." He said with a mouth full of six pills, he couldn't say much more without the pills falling out of his mouth and onto the floor. The doctor sighed and his quiet assistant quickly got Panta for the sneaky and mischievous seventeen year old, who stood smirking.
"You know that pour Shuichi is going to have to clean that glass of water, right?" The doctor sighed. Kokichi almsost gasped and ran to the plastic cup and picked up the glass quickly.
He ran back to the doctor and handed him the glass. "Can I go to take a bath?" Oma asked quietly and his face flushed a bright pink, he'd get embarrassed anytime he asked, he didn't know why.
"Not yet, it's not seven yet, it's only six thirty four." Kokichi whined and looked up at the doctor with a pout.
"You know the rule, we can't take you out of your room before seven." Kokichi sighed with the six pills in his mouth, finally the assistant returned.
Kokichi took the Panta and chugged it, only to regret his decision as he spilled on his clothes. He complained and whined, the doctor sighed.
"You are such a struggle... Lets get this over with, but I will not bend the rule again, so might as well get this over with." The doctor lead Kokichi to the bath. The boy went in and took his warm bath. He dried off then let his sleeves cover his hands again and skipped out.
The doctor decided to take care of Oma early since they were already out of the room. He brushed his teeth and hair.
"When is Mr. Shuichi gonna be here, Kiibo??" Kokichi whined at his doctor, who was looking at his clipboard and keeping a grip on Kokichi's hand, even though they both knew Kokichi wouldn't run.
"Seven thirty five." The man responded to the childish teen. Kokichi smiled evil as he got a wonderful idea.
"You sound like a robot! I'm gonna call you Mr. Robot, nishishi!" Kokichi giggled and skipped back into his room as his doctor shut the door.
"Thank you Mr. Robot! Have a good day!" Kokichi giggled and happily skipped around his room.
"You are so childish." The doctor sighed. Kokichi sniffled and looked up at his doctor with a faked sad look.
"My apologies good sire!" He said. He then bursted out into laughter and his doctor just smiled and sighed as he left.
"I wonder what me and Saihara-Chan, I mean Mr. Saihara will do today!" The boy said and swung his legs off his bed. He giggled thinking about Shuichi and let a blush creep onto his face.
He then felt instantly sad. He thought that Shuichi was faking it.
Shuichi had woken up and stretched. He quickly got breakfast and some coffee. He then went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, he brushed his teeth and hair and hurried out to see his patient. He smiled when he thought of Kokichi, he felt happier around the childish teen, he just chuckled.
"I'm on my way, Kokichi." Shuichi said as he drove to the hospital. Kokichi sighed as he got bored. He started to think about the night his mother was killed.
Kokichi heard his parents fighting, it was pretty normal but the boy still cried in his room. He heard his mother let out a scream of pain. His silently snuck towards the corner of the wall as his mother kept screaming.
He saw his father twisting a knife into his mothers stomach. The boy gasped and whimpered, luckily his dad didn't hear him since Kokichi's mother was crying and screaming.
He rushed to his mother, the nine year old hitting his father's legs angrily for a second before turning to his mother as his father's hate grew and festered inside him.
"Momma.. Y-Y-You'll be okay, r-right?" He received a nod from the woman who weakly shoved him and got stabbed with a swing ment for the young boy.
Kokichi screamed and ran outside quickly and started to sob even harder.
"SOMEBODY HELP! HE KILLED HER!" The small boy screamed into the darkness and sobbed. He heard his dad scream his name. He hid far off in the woods. He saw his dad look around for him and Kokichi stayed silent.
"Fine little brat, then the blame is on you." His dad laughed crazily and stabbed himself multiple times then they could hear the cop sirens. Kokichi started to run deeper and deeper into the woods until he passed out from fear.
He woke up in a straitjacket and he looked around in terror. He saw his dad smirk at him and he tried to screamed, but someone put a muzzle on him as his dad played victim and talked about Kokichi's four mental disorders to put they blame on the four year old.
Kokichi sobbed and glared at his dad. He knew his dad was going to be set free. Oma sobbed and they took him to the asylum. He hid away from everybody.
Kokichi sighed and cried as he grabbed Usami and hugged her. She was made by Kokichi's mom for him before he was born. He snuggled it as he heard the door open and he saw Shuichi walk in.
"Hey Oma, they told me they put you in a muzzle, are you a bit calmer?" Saihara asked. Kokichi nodded and Saihara took off the muzzle and arm restrains, although he felt as though they had just been put on.
"Hey Oma, what do you want for your breakfast?" Saihara asked. Kokichi thought for a bit.
"Panta! And some pancakes please Mr. Shuichi!" Kokichi said sweetly. Shuichi nodded and smiled he left to get the boy food.
He looked over Oma's file. "There is no way he's a killer... I'll get him out of here." The male said and got Oma food.

I Love a Psycho (SaiOma) (Completed But Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now