Chapter six

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Shuichi looked at the sleeping boy on his shoulder, he gently rubbed Kokichi's back as the eighteen year old just nuzzled closer to Shuichi, making him blush.
He hated that he had to be a watcher for at least two weeks before he could get Kokichi out, but that didn't matter, because as soon as he was out he would through him the best birthday party that the world has ever seen.
He laid Kokichi down as he covered him with the blanket.
He whispered a goodbye and left the hospital. He went home feeling empty because he couldn't be with Oma every second.
"I think I love him." Shuichi said as he started his car. He decided to start making his guest room into an empty room for Kokichi, he knew from an earlier conversation that White was actually Kokichi's favorite color and he loved checkered patterns, because of chess. Shuichi bought two cans of white paint, one can of black paint, and on can of purple paint.
He got home and went to the guest room of his apartment. He painted the walls white and smiled, he then painted the top of the walls to make it seem like checkers were pouring from the ceiling. He then did purple swirls at the bottom of the walls. He looked at the room proud of himself and realised it was already eleven thirteen in the night.
He got ready for bed and started to think of what else to get for Kokichi's room tomorrow. He smiled and finally fell asleep happily.
Kokichi woke up in the middle of the night from a patient in the wing next to him screaming. The male sighed knowing he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep anytime soon.
He sat up and rubbed his eyes and hugged Usami. He started to think about how nice it would be to be with Shuichi all the time and he blushed a bright red.
He knew he was gay, his mother taught him sexualities and gender identification at age three, he was greatful and was never judgemental of others.
He sighed realising he was starting to love Shuichi, he knew he'd never be loved or escape the asylum. He just sobbed until he got a grip on himself.
"C-C-Come on, K-Kokichi! Stay calm, and don't assume bad things a-about Shuichi!" He scolded himself.
He soon went back to fantasizing about a life with Shuichi, in this life they lived together, Kokichi imagined and outfit thst was designed off his straitjacket and camisoles, mainly because they were the only clothes he's seen in fifteen years, besides doctor, nurses, and caretakers outfits.
He and Shuichi live in a small home together, they were cuddling on the couch with the t.v. on watching Kokichi's favorite movie from when he was four, Milo and Otis.
They were exchanging loving words and small pecks on the lips. Kokichi was sipping grape Panta and Shuichi was drinking Coffee.
Soon the eighteen year old ended up falling asleep, still thinking about his crush Shuichi Saihara.
The next morning Kokichi woke up and took his meds and got his bathroom break. He sat on the ground eagerly awaiting for Shuichi to arrive.
The watcher woke up got ready as quick as he could. He got into his car and started to drive to the mental hospital.
He walked into the hospital and walked to Oma's hall. He kept a good grip on the bag then paused. He left the hall door not noticing the purplenette staring at him in shock.
Kokichi had seen Shuichi walk up to the hallway door then leave. He was crushed to say the least. He felt something stream down his face only to realize he was sobbing.
He felt so stupid for thinking Shuichi even considered him a friend. He knew he was making assumptions but he couldn't help it.
Soon the hall door opened and he didn't realize. Shuichi closed the door then heard Oma's sobs. He ran to the door and unlocked it then ran in next to the small boy and hugged him, quickly setting the tests down as he hugged Kokichi..
Kokichi then looked up at Saihara. "Hey, what's wrong?" Shuichi asked rubbing the smaller males back gently.
"I-I... I.. I thought.. Y-Y-You left m-m-me!" Oma sobbed pitifully into Saihara's jacket and the older male had a moment of realization.
"No, I just brought breakfast, Kichi, its on the side table!" He said pointing to the food. Kokichi blushed while calming down a bit.
"K-Kichi?" Oma asked with a giggle. He blushed even more happy about the nickname.
"Y-Yeah... Is it okay for me to call you that?" Saihara chuckled and hugged the smaller male closer.
"Hmmm... Only if I can call you Shumai!" The eighteen year old giggled as the nineteen year old just nodded and yawned a bit.
"Okay well, eat your breakfast, I wanna try some art with you today." Shuichi smiled as Kokichi nodded. They ate breakfast then Shuichi took out some markers and paper and handed them to Kokichi who smiled and took them.
"Thanks Shumai!" He smiled then started to draw a picture of him and Shuichi. Saihara blushed as he watched happily and smiled.
"Its really cute, Kichi!" Shuichi was rather impressed because it was actually drawn really well.
"O-Oh... T-Thanks Shumai!" Kokichi blushed and giggled a bit happily. The picture showed them holding hands and smiling.
"Well I have a question for you, Kichi. Would you like to move in with me once I can get you out of here?" Saihara asked making Oma gasp.
"R-R-Really?... Y-You'd let me stay with you?" Kokichi asked in shock. Shuichi nodded. Instead of the tears he normally pours he just squeaked in happiness and nodded happily. "Yes!" He repeated for a bit as the tears finally started to pour out of Kokichi's eyes.
Shuichi just chuckled. "Good, I've already painted a room for you, I'm gonna buy a bed and other things today once you fall asleep." Shuichi smiled.
A bit later Kokichi fell asleep and Shuichi kissed his head. He left the asylum and got into his car, he then started to drive to Meijer.

I Love a Psycho (SaiOma) (Completed But Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now