Chapter ten

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Kokichi noticed that it seemed to be getting to the point were Shuichi was gonna leave soon, leaving him in this horrid place with that blasted receptionist.
Kokichi could feel that he wouldn't get any sleep because of what the receptionist had said to him. Shuichi had really been helping with his insomnia but of course it couldn't last forever.
"H-Hey shuichi how much longer until I can go to your house?" Oma asked feeling a bit shy, he didn't know why but Shuichi seemed to make him feel as if he didn't have four disorders.
"Our house, Kichi. And five Kichi, five more days, that's all." Shuichi smiled and Kokichi happily hugged Shuichi. Shuichi smiled and checked his watch.
"I think I should be leaving soon though." Shuichi said, he hated leaving Kokichi but he really didn't have a choice, and besides they only had to wait five more days, they could make it.
Kokichi sadly nodded. "O-Oh.. Well okay Shumai... Good night." Kokichi hugged the plush rabbit on his bed as Shuichi left and Kokichi sighed.
"So I'm gay..." Kokichi said once he saw Shuichi was out of the hall. "That's cool.. I always thought I was ace but I guess I was wrong." Oma shrugged.
Oma looked at the empty room then at the rabbit. "God... I mean i love the color white but seeing it for fourteen years is tiring..." Oma huffed.
Soon Shuichi had arrived to his car. "So I'm gay.. I always kinda knew." Shuichi shrugged. He started to drive home then noticed a pet store. He pulled into its parking lot and got out of his car excitedly and went inside.
"Hi, are you guys able to hold off adoption, my crush is moving in, in five days... He wants a kitten." Shuichi explained. The worker smiled at him.
"Of course! Follow me and ill show you our selection of kittens!" The girl cheerfully spoke and Shuichi smiled. She lead him to the kittens and he saw the perfect kitten pawing at the cage wanting to be held and cuddled.
It was fully white with three black patches on its face, one on its back, six on its stomach, two on the front right leg, four on its left back leg, five on the back left leg and an almost checkered pattern on its cute little tail.
Shuichi picked it up and it meowed almost silently and purred. "This one ma'am, I'll take this one." Shuichi said happily and the kitten meowed.
"Alright, ill keep him on hold for five days, the shop closes at eight p.m. so he here before then to pick him up." The girl said as she gently took the kitten and brought it to the back of the store.
Shuichi thanked her and left the store, walking back to his car contently. He smiled thinking about how happy his crush would be.
He drove home and went to the room he had set up for Kokichi, it was still clean and perfect, Shuichi didn't care if it stayed clean or got dirty when Kokichi came he just wanted him out of that asylum so he could confess his feelings.
The next five days had passed very fast, a few games, breakfasts, talking, and fantasizing restaurants. Soon Shuichi had checked Kokichi out and the boy hugged his stuffed toy still not believing what was happening.
"Oh, we need to make a few quick stops before we actually go home!" Shuichi said as the pet store came into view. Kokichi cluelessly nodded and swung his feet contently.
The two entered the parking lot of the pet store and Kokichi immediately felt his mood switch from happy to ecstatic as he saw the store.
"OH MY GOD ARE WE GETTING A KITTEN?" Kokichi asked in excitement as he began bouncing in his seat.
"Yup." Shuichi smiled and opened the his car door once he parked. Kokichi unbuckled and rushed out of the car to Shuichi's side of the car as the older male unbuckled.
"Come on! All the good kitten will be gone if you take to long!" Kokichi pouted like a child and Shuichi laughed at the other male.
"I don't think so." Shuichi smiled and got out of the car, taking Kokichi's hand and leading him inside the store. Kokichi squealed like a kid in a candy shop as he immediately ran to the food dishes determine to get the best ones for his kitten.
"Oooh! Shumai! Look!" Kokichi said and grabbed four checkered food dishes. Shuichi smiled at Kokichi then looked at the bowls.
"Why four?" Shuichi asks and Kokichi gave him a look like he was a brain dead caveman named Bob.
"For when the first two get dirty and need to be washed!" Kokichi gave an exaggerated sigh at the end like it was the simplest concept known to man, which it kind of was.
"Ah, alright." Shuichi had gave a smile as he grabbed a purple collar and showed it to Oma who nodded excitedly.
"Okay, only the best food for our child!" Kokichi said and rushed to get some nice food. He decided on some wet food from the brand fancy feast.
Shuichi blushed when Oma had said it was their child. He quickly brushed it off and grabbed everything from his crush as his hands became full. He saw the worker and snuck over to her.
"Will you go get the kitten while I put this at check out?" Saihara asked. The worker nodded after recognizing him. He quickly put the stuff at the counter then ran to the back as Kokichi was looking at some cat toys.
The woman handed the small kitten to Shuichi and he thanked her. He held the kitten behind his back and went to Kokichi smiling.
"So I picked out a kitten five days ago, if you don't like him we can choose a different one though." Shuichi said and Oma turned to look at him.
Shuichi held out the cat as Kokichi gasped. He gently took the creature who pawed at him then purred once he was picked up making Kokichi cry.
"H-He's so cute Shumai! This is Dice!" Kokichi cried and snuggled the cat. Shuichi hugged him and smiled.
"So.. I.. Uhh. I figured this would be a good time to ask you... Will you be my boyfriend?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi started to cry harder as he nodded.
"Yes my beloved!" Kokichi said and cuddled the kitten and his new boyfriend. He sniffled and wiped his eyes.
Dice purred and they paid for everything and went to the car. Kokichi let the kitten sleep on his lap on the ride home. Soon they pulled up to Saihara's apartment building.
Kokichi followed Shuichi happily. They still had so much left to do but for now, walking inside their home was the first step in their relationship.

I Love a Psycho (SaiOma) (Completed But Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now