Chapter eight

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Kokichi had awoken at the early hour of two a.m.. He looked around his room as he felt something was wrong. He realized he was in his childhood home.
He got up and heard something smack against the wall. He jumped back a bit and saw his door creek open. He saw his dad slither into the room.
He wasted no time to lung at him. He heard his dad scream and call for... Doctor Kiibo?.. Kokichi blinked then opened his eyes, he saw the assistant under him looking shocked and scared.
Kokichi backed up to the wall and started to cry and mumble apologies. Was he going crazy? Why did he attack the assistant? He was glad he didn't throw any punches and only pinned them to the ground. He was shaking and so was the assistant.
He was so shocked that he didn't notice Kiibo strapping his arms and legs and setting him on the bed the only thing he did was shake and mumble.
"I'M NOT CRAZY! I'M SORRY I-I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FATHER! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" He said louder than he wanted to. The assistant hesitantly went to Kokichi and hugged the eighteen year old out of his shock.
Kokichi hugged back and begged for forgiveness. The assistant told him that it was okay he that he was forgiven. Kokichi was still shaken up that he attacked somebody. He's never attacked anyone in his life.
Kiibo sighed and told Kokichi to sleep. The boy nodded quietly and closed his eyes tightly. He laid his head on Usami and started to drift to sleep.
Shuichi woke up at five forty four, a minute before his alarm so he unset it. He got ready for work excited to see the boy he had fallen for.
Once he got into work Maki didn't notice him. He went to get them breakfast then got into Oma's hall. He noticed the boy was in the corner of his room. Was Kokichi crying?
He hurriedly got to the room and set the trays down. He approached Kokichi. "Stay back! I-I'm not safe!" Kokichi sobbed out and hid his face.
"Hey, hey, yes you are! You are perfect-." Shuichi was cut off by an insane laugh from the bipolar boy.
"I attacked somebody.. I didn't punch or kick. But I lunged... I'm a fucking monster! Or maybe I didn't!" The boy felt different. This attack made him want to lie, hurt himself, and die.
"Kokichi are.. Are you okay?" Shuichi asked. The boy stopped laughing only to start crying again, but it seemed genuine unlike the laugh.
"I-I don't know anymore... A-Am I actually crazy like they said?... I should die.. I'm worthless... I almost hurt someone.." Oma said quietly as he stopped crying and showed no emotions.
"Hey, but you didn't hurt them you stopped!" Shuichi argued. He got a bit closer to the boy who was a bit unstable at the moment.
"Only because I realized they weren't my father!" Kokichi said looking disappointed in himself.
"Oma Kokichi! You listen, and you listen good! You are going to be okay! You didn't hurt anybody and you aren't going to. Now eat your breakfast!" Shuichi said and finally pulled Oma into a hug.
Kokichi started to sob again and he wanted to hug the older male but his straps were done.
"C-Can you undo my straps?" He asked weakly. Saihara nodded and undid the straps only to be pulled into a hugged by the liar.
"Kokichi... Only a week or so until you're coming home. Don't lose it now." Shuichi chuckled. Oma smiled and nodded to the caregiver.
"A-Alright Shuichi... I'll do my best.." Kokichi mumbled. He sighed and whimpered.
"Hey, do you wanna play chess?" Shuichi asked, hoping to lighten the boys mood. Oma nodded excitedly finally breaking out of his trance.
Oma moved his knight first. Shuichi moved his pawn. Oma moved his other knight. Soon enough Kokichi had Shuichi in check mate from queen, rook, and both knights. Shuichi only smiled.
"You're really good, Kokichi. Where did you learn to play?" Saihara inquired and looked at the smaller male. Kokichi just smiled a bit.
"Well, I started learning when I was five, I was still aloud to be with other patients. I saw this thirty year old play a nineteen year old. The nineteen year old check mated the thirty year old and I asked him how to play and we played everyday. I finally beat him when I was six. A few days later he stopped showing up and I saw him leaving with his doctor Hajime Hinata. His name was Nagito Komeada." Kokichi explain and chuckled to himself.
"Well.. If you don't mind me asking, why did they stop letting you hang out with other patients?" Shuichi asked.
"Because I would scream out of fear if anybody touched me without warning, I've gotten better now, but at the time they were sick of it. They locked me up in solitary confinement and never took me out again." Kokichi said looking rather upset.
"I'm sorry for bringing it up, Kokichi." Shuichi said looking at Oma. Kokichi chuckled at Saihara and hugged him, knocking over a few chess pieces on accident.
Shuichi hugged back as Oma just giggled a bit. "Saihara, you're the nicest person I've ever met, well, besides my mom, but you remind me of her." Kokichi said happily and Shuichi blushed.
"Thank you Kokichi, you are so special to me so that means a lot. You really don't remind me of anyone because I've never met anyone as unique as you." Saihara said and laughed a bit.
"Shuichi, do you promise to never leave me?" Kokichi asked seriously as he let go of Shuichi to look him in the eyes.
"I promise. I will be with you forever." Shuichi said. Kokichi smiled and then started to set up the chess board and glanced at Shuichi.
"I'm going to teach you to play better." Oma giggled. Shuichi just smiled and then listened to Oma teaching him where he went wrong.
They played again and Shuichi still lost, but he had done better then he had been doing before.

I Love a Psycho (SaiOma) (Completed But Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now