Chapter four/

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After breakfast Kokichi looked at Saihara with a bored expression. "Saihara! I'm bored!" The petite liar's expression changed in a millisecond as he got excited and giggled. "Tell me a ghost story!" The boy smiled.
"Ah... Well... I guess I could, they never told me I couldn't, so..." Shuichi paused trying to think of a story, this made Oma more excited.
"Once, there were five friends, Shuichi, Kaito, Maki, Kaede, and Kokichi." Kokichi perked up hearing his name and became more intrigued but didn't seem to like the name Maki at all.
After thirty minutes the story was coming to a close and Kokichi was on the edge of his seat. "Kokichi silently hid in a corner, Shuichi was quietly calling out to him, trying to get them to leave but suddenly the ghost popped out! He looked at the boys and smiled. "If you can beat me a chess, I'll let you and your friends go, but if you lose, only one of you escapes! So who is gonna play?" The ghost asked. "I will." Kokichi said with a confident smile. The ghost snapped an Shuichi was in chains floating in the air. Kokichi sat at the table as the ghost snapped and a chess board appeared." Kokichi closed his eyes and imagined the situation in his head.
"Soon enough the ghost found his king cornered by Kokichi's Rook, and his queen. The pale boy let out his signature laugh as the ghost huffed but looked at the boy. "Well, you won, you and your friends are free to leave." The ghost said and snapped. Everyone appeared in front of Kokichi and he smiled sweetly. The group left and never returned. They praised the pale boy for saving them. The end." Shuichi said as Kokichi blushed happy to be the hero of a story.
"That was so sweet! My turn!" Kokichi said innocently. After almost an hour Shuichi was shaking in fear as Kokichi grinned. "As Kokichi stepped back he stepped on a boobie trap and was shot in the back with an arrow, he placed his hand over his mouth to stop himself from screaming in agony. He heard the masked woman call out to him in a horrific tone. "Kookiiichi!~ Come out, come out." The woman said. The boy shivered and silently cried he stepped on another pressure plate as an arrow entered his arm. He screamed in pain then ran past the crazy woman as fast as he could, she got a small cut on his cheek as he ran past making him sob. He got to the door only to see it was locked. "G-G-GUYS! PLEASE LET M-ME IN!" The boy sobbed. The woman approached the cornered boy slowly. She laughed maniacally as she finally got to him, but she didn't notice the man creeping up behind her. The boy put on a confident smirk which confused the killer for a moment which was enough time for the man to stab her through the back. She screeched in pain and turned around only for Oma to snatch her knife and put another stab in her back. Kokichi then turned both the knieves in her back as she fell to the floor, the door finally opened and they all started to run out of the house, Kokichi looked back and said something that haunted the group. "Guys? W-Where did she go?" The end." Shuichi let out screams of terror throughtout the story which made Oma giggle.
"Was my story okay, Mr. Saihara?" Kokichi asked innocently and looked up at the caregiver. Shuichi nodded and tried to stop shaking, he got scared easily but that story was something else.
"Thanks Mr. Shuichi!" The boy giggled then hugged Shuichi. He yawned and laid his head on Shuichi's lap. "Will you sing me a song?" Kokichi asked. Shuichi nodded and picked up the short boy and sat on the bed and placed Kokichi next to him keeping the boy laying down.
He grabbed Kokichi's toy and handed it to him. Kokichi smiled and cuddled the toy. "What do you want me to sing you?" This question made Kokichi blush.
"U-Uhhh... M-My mom use to s-sing a song a-about stars, but she n-never said the name, but I th-think it's called t-twinkle twinkle l-little star..." The seventeen year old blushed and felt a bit childish but it was always comforting to him.
"Alright then. Twinkle twinkle little star it is, I'll sing you other songs until you fall asleep." Shuichi said. Oma nodded as his blush left and he looked up at Shuichi tiredly.
Shuichi got half way through the short song only to hear a soft snore from next to him.
He smiled and left the room and went home content.He ate his dinner and turned on the t.v.. He watched the new for a bit before turning off the t.v. and heading upstairs to brush his teeth.
He then changed into some comfy pajamas. As he laid in bed he kept thinking about the scary, no, the terrifying story Kokichi had told. He didn't get very much sleep that night.

I Love a Psycho (SaiOma) (Completed But Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now