Chapter five

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The next day Shuichi awoke to a loud thud as he fell off the side of his bed, he yelped then rubbed his tailbone where he fell and groaned.
"Ouch..." He grumbled and got up to get ready. He was glad that his job was easy as just bringing Kokichi food, but he liked spending time the the other boy, be it He didn't believe Oma was insane, but at least he got to keep the pour boy company instead of Oma being alone.
Now Shuichi didn't have many friends since his all stopped talking to him once he graduated high school early. So being with Kokichi was nice.
He finally checked the clock, it was five forty eight. He called into his work as he got an idea. "Hello, this is Dr. Shuichi Saihara, my patient is Kokichi Oma, may I bring in cookies for my patient?" He asked hoping to surprised Kokichi since it was his birthday.
"Sure, and poison them if you want, we know how annoying he is." The woman at the front desk said, pissing  off Shuichi, maybe because it was Oma's birthday and they should treat him at least a little bit better. He sighed but just used it as more motivation.
He mixed in extra chocolate chips into the cookie. "I hope he likes chocolate!" Saihara hummed happily and set the raw dough into the oven then turned to three hundred and fifty degrees.
He soon got them out and put them into a container. He then got ready for work eagerly and grabbed the cookies. He got into his car an started driving, he hoped Kokichi would like the cookies.
Meanwhile Kokichi was somehow still sleeping, and snoring a bit, he didn't receive meds on Friday's and that's what today happened to be.
Soon Shuichi arrived and kindly greeted the woman at reception, even though he was still a bit upset by what she said. He walked to the hallway and locked the door behind him and started to walk to Oma's room wanting to surprise him.
Kokichi started to stir awake and looked at Shuichi, he saw that he was bringing in the bag like always and thought nothing of it and yawned. "Mornin, Mr. Shu.." Kokichi said tiredly.
"Morning Kokichi, and you don't have to call me Mr. if you Don't want, you can talk to me like a friend!" Shuichi smiled and entered the room and glanced at the bars that were the front wall of the room they were in.
"Okay! Well then Shuichi, are we gonna play chess today so I can win again?" Kokichi giggled childishly. Shuichi nodded and smiled.
"Of course! But let me get you some breakfast first!" Shuichi smiled, he knew he'd get to surprise Oma soon which made him happy. "I'll let you out of your arm straps when I get back." He called out and left to get breakfast.
Soon Shuichi got back with food and two Panta's deciding to try the soft drink. He gave Kokichi's food and drink to him and kept his.
Shuichi undid Kokichi's arm straps and smiled. Kokichi drank his drink and ate his food as Shuichi did the same. He then pulled out the container of cookies making kokichi curious. "What's in there? I've never seen that before." Kokichi asked curiously looking at the dark blue container in question.
Shuichi smiled at the smaller male. "Open it, it's for us to share while playing chess." Shuichi smiled. The boy smiled and excitedly opened the container like a birthday present, which it was, he just didn't know.
"Y-You made us cookies? I-I-I haven't had cookies since I-I was four.... Thank you so much Shuichi!" Kokichi let a few tears fall down his face from the nice jester. He smiled at his luck since it was also his birthday, June twenty first.
"Happy birthday." Kokichi froze. Shuichi actually remembered his birthday.
He sobbed happily and continued to hug the taller male. "Thank you!" Was all Kokichi could repeat for two minutes.
He soon calmed back down and smiled. "And dont purposefully lose at chest just cause its my birthday!" Kokichi giggled.
"I know, I know!" Saihara chuckled and set up the board. Kokichi continued to beat Shuichi, munching on a cookie every once in a while. He eventually got bored of winning and let Saihara beat him. Shuichi felt proud as Oma put on an impressed expression.
"Wow Shuichi! You cornered me with your queen and king... Impressive!" Kokichi giggled and munched on another cookie happily.
"Woah, this is the second time I've beat you! I must be getting better!" Saihara said a bit proud of himself. This made Kokichi even happier as he smiled.
"Yeah! I'm proud Shuichi!" Kokichi giggled then took a sip of his soda. Shuichi smiled at the boy, he always got a tingling feeling around Kokichi, and Kokichi felt the same way around Shuichi.
The pair didn't know what it meant but they didn't mind it, well until Shuichi had to leave. Then it was a crushing feeling of despair. Shuichi knew he had to get Kokichi out of there, and he was going to.
Soon the pair were on Kokichi's bed, Kokichi was laying his head on Shuichi's shoulder and yawning. Shuichi started to sing to Kokichi, this time he sang happy birthday, then Twinkle twinkle little star.
The eighteen year old finally fell asleep cuddling Usami, he was finally old enough to be signed out by a watcher, but Kokichi still had to wait until one more week had passed by state law.

I Love a Psycho (SaiOma) (Completed But Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now