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Louisa's p.o.v

Kash just groans as he holds his head "what happened-" "run!" I whisper out to the group as I pick up Kash and we start running. "Ninjas!" We all scream as we run, well Haven didn't scream, she just looked at us confused. "Why are we running?? Aren't you all fighters?!" Haven says, so Kash nods his head a little. I begin to answer "not fully trained ninjas!" The ninjas easily surrounded us again. Taking a kunai back from Haven I hand it to Kash as I stand him up, having two kunais in my hands I look at them all.

"Where are we??" Leo finally asks, but that made Donnie say "Louisa's right, it's not where are we, but when are we??" We keep our eyes on the ninjas. Once I blinked they already made their first move, they were only going after the turtles though. Haven, Kash and I share a look as we set our kunais away, but I say "guys, they're only after you." "What gave ya that idea?!" Raph asks with sarcasm as they continued to try and fight. One of the ninjas look at us and start talking in japanese, so I say "English??" He shakes his head.

Groaning I just hear him say one word "hide" Kash puts his hand to his chin and starts talking in japanese to them, so the ninja was shocked. They had a small conversation, so Kash nods his head and looks at us "he said to hide until Oroku Saki gets here." My eyes widen as I shake my head "no, no, no - that is a bad idea, tell him that we're okay." Kash was about to talk, but the others just seen how Raph looks without that ridiculous helmet. Nervously biting my lip I let Haven ask the question "what are they saying??" Kash's eyes widen.

"I'm a little rusty, but I think they're thinking the guys are yokai and they'll curse them..." Kash says and looks at us worried. Furrowing my eyebrows I ask "yokai??" He nods saying "it's an old Japanese legend. I can't remember much about it-" "how do you know it at all?!" I whisper ask confused, so Haven sighs. Her answer made me chuckle "he just wanted to learn about Japanese since he thought it was cool. Who knew it'd actually come in handy" Kash smirks as he crossed his arms, but a certain voice caught my attention.

"Shredder??" I ask, so they look at the human Shredder shocked saying "you have got to be kidding" I sigh and summarize the story. They share a look, then we look back at Shredder as he's looking at the guys... this is bad. "This can not be" Shredder says, but Mikey groans as he gets on his knees, but he had late realization. We didn't know what happened, but I seen Mikey throw a smoke bomb, with that I knew we had a distraction. "Run!" I whisper, but they couldn't see, neither could I, so we ended up running into eachother.

We screamed a bit as we fell, but groan as we see the smoke clearing "Saki-san, what were they??" One of the ninjas asked. Saki answers with "I do not know, but I will find out" with this I realized there's no escaping. I whisper to the two saying "don't use your powers, and act like we were scared of the.. 'yokai'." They both nod once as we flinch at the sight of Saki standing right there "you children are far from town. Did those yokai take you hostage??" Kash is "shaking" as he says "y-yes, sir.... if it weren't for you, we'd have died."

He nods once and says "no need to thank me, let's get you in different clothes... those look ridiculous on you" with that he motions for us to follow him. I nod and act like I'm trying to look over my shoulder, when I do I see the guys looking at us. Shrugging my shoulders we just follow the group of ninjas, if we're trying to hide our powers... we're basically weak. We made it to a dojo, there is an old man sitting in the room as he opened his eyes from meditating. "Good to see you're back Saki... and I see you have company" the man says and stands up.

Saki nods once saying "I rescued them from yokai, father... they were scared for their lives" Haven nods saying "yeah.. they would've stolen our souls." She looks at Kash to see if that was right, so he winks meaning that it was, so we look back at the man. The man doesn't respond to that, but Saki says "do we have any old clothes for these children? They desperately need them." I narrow my eyes at him, but Kash put his hand on my shoulder, so I knew I had to keep it cool. The man nods his head at that saying "of course, follow me children" then he starts walking away.

We followed the man, but it turns out he only had girl kimonos and an outifit similar to Saki's... but a darker shade 'huh, reminds me of Yoshi.' "I apologize, this is all we have, but you can still pick out what color you would like" the man offers. Haven and I looked at the outfits, but I see a beautiful purple one, so I say "I will be good with this. Arigato, tomodachi" when I spoke in Japanese I bowed a bit, he nods once "do itashi mashite, ko." Kash and Haven look at me shocked, but I just smile innocently as I go to put the kimono on.

Haven says "hey, wait up" I turn around to see her have a green kimono in hand, so I smile softly and say "nice color" she nods "thanks. I'm surprised you didn't go for a blue kimono to resemble ice" I playfully roll my eyes at that. "My favorite color is-" "purple" Kash says as he catches up to us, we share a small laugh, but we finally reached some empty rooms. I walk in one and close the door softly as I start changing from that Medieval time outfit. Having the kimono on I smile softly as I spin around a bit, feeling comfortable in this.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


TMNT 2012 Tale of the Yokai (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now