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Louisa's p.o.v


Hiding behind some trees I stick by Kash and Haven - we see Saki have a torch as he's standing on something high up in the air. The ninjas looking up at him as he starts to talk "the Hamato clan has gotten weak. It is rotting from the inside! The foot was the oldest of all ninja clans, but it was wiped out by Hamato Yuuta when he slain its master. Oroku Keiji.. my father" the ninjas gasped at this new piece of information, not gonna lie I did too. 'Kind of explains a lot' I think to myself as Saki jumps down and says "I was adopted by the Hamato clan."

I keep my eye on him as I sneak in the shadows "as an infant, raised by my enemy in ignorance! I will have my revenge on them all." He started to burn the thing he was standing on, that's when I realized it was the Hamato sign. My eyes widened as I watched it burn, but looking up I see the guys, the ninjas seen them too. Saki could be heard from here mumbling "yokai, finish them - quickly! I have business to attend to." As those guys are about to fight we go and watch as Saki walks back to the dojo.

When we get there we see Yoshi, Shen and Miwa as Yoshi and Shen are getting along, until Saki ruined it "pathetic. I will not abide by this dishoner" we sneak around to the other end to find the doors and go in. Walking towards where they are we open the door, trying to make it obvious that we're here now. "Make the right choice" Saki says, but Shen answers with "I have already made it" as she stands behind Yoshi. I smile and gush a little, but I guess we didn't gain any of their attention somehow.

Saki growled a bit, Yoshi doesn't even move his gaze as he says "take Miwa and go, Shen" Shen looks at Yoshi saying "but Yoshi, Saki, please. You are brothers" I shake my head as Haven softly facepalms, Kash just looks down sadly. Saki answers with "no... we were never blood" Yoshi still doesn't change his gaze as he says "Shen.. go now." Shen doesn't argue, so she walks away, Saki watching her leave as she walks past him to go down the stairs. I put my hand over my mouth as both boys are watching Shen as she walks, but she turned to look at Yoshi.

The three of us look at Yoshi to see his smile, so we look back at Shen to see that she's already walking away, but Saki got back on his track. "How can one love and hate someone so fiercely?" Saki asks and prepares his long blades. Tears threaten to spill as I see this... 'so that's how he chose this as his weapon to fight with.' Yoshi just says "if your desire is to fall by my hand, brother.. so be it" his hands are now behind his back. They're already fighting, it pains me to see this, but they haven't acknowledged us at all.

As they fight we had to dodge a blade every now and again, but the two ended up breaking the wall, somehow still not noticing us. Haven gasped as her eyes are wide, Kash tried to intervene, but I had to hold him back. We follow them out of curiousity and see them get through another wall "we were raised together, Saki. Do not make me fight you" 'true, he hasn't tried to make any blows, he only deflected and dodged.' Saki then asks "how could I not? After so many lies, so much dishoner!" Yoshi finally made some hits.

Not to mention he flipped Saki over his shoulder again, that's when we were finally noticed, so Saki growls saying "let the adults talk, kids." Yoshi looks back at us and his eyes widen, but Saki goes to fight again, but I couldn't watch this. "No!" I yell and shoulder him to the side before Yoshi could be severely hurt from the blades. Yoshi growls and says "you only dishoner yourself!  You were always jealous, always scheming, always filled with hate." Saki growled as he starts to run towards Yoshi again "children, leave... now!!!" Yoshi yells out.

I was about to argue, but Kash and Haven start pulling me, I struggled in their hold "guys, let me go! I can't let this happen. No!" I say as I continue to struggle, but now we're outside as Haven has a sad look on her face. She got me down to the ground, but before I could make a run for it, she made the ground eat me up. Besides my head, everything of mine is underground as I'm standing on dirt so I won't choke. Growling I say "Haven, I swear, get me out of here!" Haven wouldn't look at me and neither would Kash.

That's when the place starts to catch on fire, my eyes widen as my tears start flowing "no, let me out.. now!" I say as my anger wants to take over. Kash and Haven share a look as Haven finally lets me out, so I instantly run inside and look around. Smoke is around the entrace that I walked in, so I'm coughing as I hear the two fighting. "Please, brother, do not make me do this!" Yoshi yells out, so I jump through walls and find them. Saki is trying to stab at Yoshi as Yoshi dodges easily, even though he's on his back on the floor.

Yoshi caught Saki's hands saying "Saki, the whole place is coming down" Saki just responds with "then we shall both perish here." They're still fighting as Yoshi somehow got a sword, but I contemplate on using my powers or not. 'No, do this human style!' I think to myself and look at the two as they fought "Saki, this won't accomplish anything. Just stop this now, before you can't take anything back!" I yell as my tears are streaming. He just growls and says "you are not the boss of me!!" As they fought I got slashed by the blades.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


TMNT 2012 Tale of the Yokai (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now