Important Meal

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Louisa's p.o.v

Donnie nods his head as he wraps his arm around my shoulders saying "yeah, plus that shouldn't be what you're worried about." Kash tilted his head "really? What should she be worried about??" He asks confused. Leo jumps down from the water tower while glaring at Kash and Haven saying "how we're gonna react about her keeping a secret from us." Raph jumps by Kash too saying "he's not wrong" then he cracked his knuckles. Mikey didn't care as he just looks back at us, so Haven and Kash nervously laugh at this.

I held Donnie back as I say "run" they both run down into the alley and down into the sewers, so Raph looks at me confused. "They live in the sewers too??" Raph asks, so I shake my head saying "no, they just travel that way. Since they use their powers a lot, they just travel underground so they won't get caught using them." Mikey nods saying "that makes sense" Donnie raises an eye-ridge asking "it does?" So I nod once. "Okay, let's go back home now" I say and skate my way down into the alleyway, we all went into the sewers.

"How much time did go by while we were gone??" Leo asks as we're walking, so I check my t-phone "um... a few hours." Raph groans while saying "stop talking about time, I still got a headache" so we laugh. Finally reaching the lair we see Baxter playing with Koda as we see Master Splinter in the dojo. Koda is the first to see us as she barks happily and runs over to me, I pet her head as she sits down. "Hermana, I was wondering when you guys would be back... what's with the outfit??" Baxter asks.

Smiling I say "just wanted some Japanese culture in my life, it's a kimono" Master Splinter's ear twitched a bit as he looks at us. The guys instantly run over to him as they hug him saying "sensei!" So I smile at this. Baxter walks over to me and inspects my face "have you been crying??" Then he looks at my shoulder. "Really? Another ice protector?! What are we gonna do with you, hermana??" Baxter asks. That made me give him an innocent face as I smile and say "I don't know, but it's good to see you."

I hug him, which made him confused as he patted my shoulder saying "ooookay... you've only been gone your normal amount of time. What happened while you guys were on patrol??" I laugh a little saying "nothing to worry about." Then I let my ice protector melt as I separate from the hug and make my powers flow through me a bit. My injury already healed up as I walk into the dojo and look up at Master Splinter, he was talking to the guys. Then he looks at me as he says "can I talk to Louisa privately??" The guys share a look, but agreed anyways.

"Okay, don't forget you said we'd make ramen together!" Mikey says happily.
"Or that you also said we could meditate together!" Leo answers.
"Or that movie night's tonight! See you in a minute, honeybee" Donnie answers.
"Can't wait to spar!!" Raph says and flexed his muscles a bit.

I smile and nod to Donnie, but Master Splinter closed the door as he motioned me over to sit on a pillow, right there is some oatmeal. Furrowing my eyebrows I look up at him again... he has a bowl on his head with a smile. "I've heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day... let's serve it up our way." Then he lowers his head and I barely catch the bowl as the spoons are already on the table. I sigh and ask "so, you know?" He nods once saying "you can never forget someone that was a daughter figure to you... also, I've always known."

My eyes widen as I laugh and lay back exhausted "you guys were troublesome-" "who were those other kids? Kashton and Haven??" Splinter asks. Groaning I say "my training buddies" he laughs a little saying "so that's where you have been going." I nod my head at that and look him in the eyes "am I in trouble??" Yoshi chuckles and shakes his head. "Not at all, my dear Louisa, but we are your family... you can tell us anything" Master Splinter says happily. I nod saying "I know, but they wanted me to keep them a secret... so I kept it until they blew it."

Master Splinter nods his head in understanding, but I sit up and hug him as happy tears went down my face "it really is good to see you again, Yoshi." He pats my back saying "of course, it is always good to see you, Louisa... you're one of the greatest daughters in the world." I smile and sigh as I finally separate the hug as I stand up saying "I'll see you later for training?" He nods. "Unless you actually want to talk as we eat the most important meal of the day, I am guessing you're hungry." My stomach grumbles as I nervously laugh saying "yeah, I am... berries aren't the best food for three meals a day."

As I sat back down I told Master Splinter everything I know about Elementals, except that there's more than Kash and Haven. That's a secret for another time, but I told him that I'm the "chosen one" and stuff related to that. He nods and comments on some of the things that I can do, and we joke about my powers too. A knock came to the door as Master Splinter smirks as he quietly asks "who is it??" So I playfully punch his arm. "Uh, Leo? Why are you being quiet, sensei??" Leo asks, which made me laugh as he chuckles.

"No reason, come in" Master Splinter says, so Leo looks at me confused, but looks back at Splinter saying "can we meditate now?" "Not until after we spar." "NO!! I want to make ramen for you guys!" "But what about movie night??" The guys started to argue. I roll my eyes playfully "told you I've dealt with worse sibling fights" I whisper playfully to Splinter. He chuckles and nods his head "you should've seen them when they were younger." We share a small laugh, but see that they're staring at us confused "you guys figure this out, Imma go play with Koda."


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


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