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Louisa's p.o.v

I scream as my shoulder is now bleeding, so Yoshi gasps and glares at Saki, they started to fight harder as I make an ice protector. Saki is about to try and do his final blow on him, but Shen jumped in the way "please, stop." I tried to jump in the way, but I got pushed and I fell on my abdomen, looking up I see Haven as some tears are in her eyes. "Why would you do that?! I could've-" "messed with time!? Uh, yeah, you could've" Haven scolded me. That's when Yoshi starts yelling "no!" And he caught her body as he sits there, but Saki yells out "Shen."

We notice the building starting to fall a part around where us four are, so Haven and I push Kash out of the way, a beam hit my head. I groan as I feel a different beam on top of me, it moves, so I look up and see Haven as we're both coughing. Being under here is making me feel light headed, as I cough some more I look around, all I can see is blurryness. 'Wait, blurry?? Oh no, I might die here' I think to myself as I see Yoshi and Haven black out and my coughs got louder. From here I can hear someone moving the beams, but I make an ice helmet as I gasp for air.

I look around and see Donnie grabbing me as Raph grabbed Haven and Leo has Yoshi, Donnie looks at me with a smile saying "everything's okay, honeybee." My lungs still feel like they're on fire as I see a blurry mess of green and purple, but I blink a few times to clear my vision. Kash has tears streaming down his face as he sees us in these conditions, but I think I'll be fine. Leo got Yoshi out and out of danger, but I get carried by Donnie as Haven gets carried by Raph. As we're off to the side we see Yoshi finally sitting up as he looks at something in his hand.

Yoshi examines it as he starts crying while gently holding it to his shoulder as he cries out "SHEN!!" My tears are flowing more than ever. I melt my helmet as I put my hand over my mouth to try and make my cries muffled as Donnie walks backwards. We all go back to where we were having a fire the other night, but I couldn't stop crying at this. Donnie was comofting me as Raph tried to get Haven to wake up with Kash's help. After a while Donnie grabs out his t-phone and looks at the picture saying "everything's back to normal.. finally."

Raph just mumbles "except for the part where we're thousands of miles from home, and sixteen years in the past!" Haven finally groans. Looking over at her she sits up while looking up at Raph "what.. happened??" I sigh as I try to stop crying. When I stop crying enough to talk I say "we saved Kash, but you got knocked out in the process. Raph saved you" Raph looks away as he walks back over to his spot where he was the other night. Haven softly smiles, but Mikey says "we might as well get used to it, guys.. maybe being a yokai won't be so bad."

Kash sighs and says "I didn't get to tell Winter how I-" the time portal opening up got our attention as Renet floats down. She floated down most of the way, and fell the rest "yes, finally I found you" Renet says tiredly. Mikey instantly went to hug her, but sniffle a little while looking at Kash with a small smirk. "So... Winter, huh??" I ask out, he blushed and looked away, but Donnie chuckles at our talking. "Renet!" Mikey says happily, so Renet pats his head saying "it's good to see you too, Mikey."

Haven then says "where have you been?! We've been stuck here for days!" Renet then says "it's not my fault, seriously. I've spent, like, the last six months trying to hunt you guys down" I start geting a bit angry at this. My tears come back again as I step forward and glare at Renet "why? Why did we have to come here?! Of all times. OF ALL PLACES?!" I ask as my tears are flowing, a hand rests on my shoulder, so I cry in their hold. I feel so dumb I couldn't do a thing to stop this, but Renet answers with "it was the scepter" I turn around and narrow my eyes at her as she continued.

"It brought you here to make sure Splinter survived" Renet finished, so Donnie asks "wait, so it's always been this way?" He starts rubbing my back. I turn around a bit as Donnie just has his arms around my waist as I continued the question for him. "We were always destined to come here in time and save Yoshi's life??" I ask out confused. Raph and Haven grab their head and groan, but Raph says "can you just take us home now? My head is starting to hurt." (Honestly mine is too somehow, yet I understand this) "No problem, future New York, here we come" Renet answers and lifts the staff up in the air.

The portal opens up and we're easily going through as six of the eight of us land (obviously Kash and Haven fell on their butts). Mikey looks at Renet saying "will we ever see you again, Renet?" Haven stands up while rubbing her butt. Haven answered with "let's hope not" Raph nods saying "agreed" making Mikey growl at them. Renet leans close to Mikey saying "maybe some day, Michelangelo" then she kissed his cheek again. His eyes formed into white hearts as he falls down in a love-struck daze, but Renet float away.

"Goodbye, Turtle-Warriors, Louisa and extra Elementals" Renet says her goodbye, so I laugh a little at what she called Kash and Haven. Kash was confused as Haven was angered by this and Renet added "see you in history!" So I playfully roll my eyes. Sighing I lean against Donnie's side as I feel so tired "let's go home, guys, it'll be good to see Master Splinter." I nod, but look down at my outfit "do you think he'll recognize me??" I ask confused. Leo shakes his head "probably not, that was sixteen years ago when you met him, Louisa."


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!

P.s. The next chapter isn't from the show, read if you want, I just added it for fun~


TMNT 2012 Tale of the Yokai (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now